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the best fabel discutin

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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the best fabel discutin

Post by shootter43 »

:cool: fabel is the best game ever. :cool: almost all rpgs were based on it. :cool:
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Post by fable »

shootter43 wrote: :cool: fabel is the best game ever. :cool: almost all rpgs were based on it. :cool:
No game has been based on Fable thus far, and the RPG genre dates back to the 1970s, roughly 30 years or more before Fable was produced. If you're going to offer facts, try to make them accurate. You'll look better.

And this isn't a forum for playing fanboi, to put it bluntly. If you have questions about Fable or want to help others by providing answers that aren't already in our database, feel free.

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