I've been looking for that nice silver looking set of armor that the Sith Govenor from KOTOR 1 has (The one in the Sith Base on Taris) and I know that I've seen it in videos, and I was wondering where I could get it.
If noone knows where, could somebody at least tell me the name of the armor, so that I know what to look for in-game? Thanks,
If your playing it on the PC then there is(at least I've heard about)a list of cheats to get all the armors from the game at the start. If your playing it on the Xbox then your out of luck, I've played KotoR & KotoR II all the way through doing all I could, and never once did I come across that armor. I think it's just like Darth Bandon's personal set of armor, I mean if you look closely that Sith Governor and Darth Bandon look like they have the same armor on, I wish I could be more help, but I'd say just give up on it.