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Meddling in the affairs of dragons.

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Meddling in the affairs of dragons.

Post by Tricky »

At the strategy section of the BG2 sub-site there is a tip that you can defeat Firkraag with "5 to 6" bursts of cloudkill. Essentially one Wand Of Cloudkill. Now, I'm casting roughly double that amount of cloudkills (scrolls & spellbook), but I still can't beat him that way. Firkraag heals itself before it can kill him.

I've tried aiming my spells at different spots after I noticed the cloud always seems to be most concentrated around its edge. But either I haven't been been finding the right spots or this tactic just doesn't work.

Anyone here ever tried this?
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url=""]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
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Post by Xandax »

Yeah - I've cheesed him down with cloud kill spells a couple of times in the vanilla version, but I think you need more then 5-6, but I guess with a bit of luck it is possible with that.

As I remember he has one or two heal spells, so cast a few cloud kill spells and see if it is enough for him to use a heal spell - and then cast a few more.
Or if you have enough spells, just lay them on him and he'll go down fast.

Unless you use a modded version which might beef him up.
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Post by Tricky »

I used some unofficial patches, but I don't think they're supposed to fix the game up like that.

I cast about 7 cloudkills to get him to cast one heal spell, which fully restores him. The five or four I have left aren't enough to kill him to say the least. Maybe the difficulty setting has an effect (Edit: I checked, it doesn't)? The slider is in the middle.

Is it possible to beat him to the heal spell?

Update: Apparently Baldurdash also fixes things that aren't broken. You were right Xandax, it was modified. I'll have to find another way to take advantage of cloudkill.

Update 2: I beat him with cloadkill. After eight cloudkill casts I snuck in a chaos spell (area effect spell like Cloudkill) to prevent Firkraag from healing himself. It took me a while to figure out the timing and then it took me a few tries to get past his magical defenses, but it worked.

It got better. After casting the last cloudkill spell I had left, I took my pally and went it for a quick look, to see how far I got. The dragon died the moment it got into viewing range. And I also saw it had started casting his heal spell, the casting 'orb' still hovering mid air as the creature died.

I couldn't have cut it any closer. :)
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url=""]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
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Post by Thrifalas »

A funnier way is to mass Skull Traps (doesn't disappear with sleep) on the right side of the table at the level above him and have him following you. This way you can solo him with a level 5 wizard.

I mean, if you've gonna Cloudkill him anyway...
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Post by Crenshinibon »

I don't think he can follow you to the level above.
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Post by Thrifalas »

I've killed him that way everytime I couldn't be arsed to actually fight him. So yes, he definately can.
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