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Rage of Mages II

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Rage of Mages II

Post by GawainBS »

Does anyone know about a walkthrough, or hints/tips for this game? A Google didn't yield more than a bunch of cheat codes, and I don't want to use those. I know, it's a very, very old game, but it seems quite fun. I'm just one of those freaks that want to know what each stat *exactly* does...

Thanks in advance!
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Post by galraen »

Jeez, I haven't played that gme in years, liked it though, even played through a few times.

I've had a look around, and like you Gawain I couldn't find anything but cheats, even at GameFAQs.

I must say I thought it deserved much better reviews than it got. I guess the developer didn't spend enough on advertising with the mags, which if course is the only way to get good ratings unfortunately.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.

And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
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Post by GawainBS »

Oh, well, thanks for looking. I just hate to "blindly" increase stats. I'm kind of an optimizer. ;)
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Post by Tricky »

[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url=""]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
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Post by GawainBS »

It most certainly helps out a lot. Thanks!
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