Ghost of a Tale is the adventure of Tilo, a tiny minstrel mouse, exploring a mysterious and dangerous world. Set in a medieval world populated by animals, the story is a small and intimate one. It starts with the little mouse making his way to the Island of Periclave, which has long been a disputed outpost for the Army of the Rats. But today, it is reputed to be haunted. Of course tales are talking of a fabulous treasure high up in the Tower of Periclave. But it would be folly to try and get there. Even for a mighty warrior. And the little mouse certainly doesn't look like one...
This is a game rewarding the discovery of secrets, reading journals, jumping and running around, finding clues and overall exploration.
You might remember that we covered action-RPG Ghost of a Tale in the past. The title has now been released on Early Acces on ...
I didn't have time to post this when it was originally published, but RPGWatch has produced a preview of Ghost of a Tale base...
It's difficult to believe it's been more than one year since Ghost of a Tale's IndieGoGo campaign concluded successfully. I a...
We've already covered the indie action-adventure/RPG Ghost of a Tale, inspired by titles such as Gothic and Dark Souls, in re...