The End of Dragons expansion for ArenaNet's PvP-focused MMORPG Guild Wars 2 concluded the game's epic Elder Dragon saga about...
With another year coming to a close, ArenaNet brings us this studio update for Guild Wars 2 featuring a look back at 2022. An...
With Guild Wars 2 now available on Steam, and celebrating the tenth anniversary since its original release, ArenaNet brings u...
It's been a good month since ArenaNet released the End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2. And now that people have had so...
Following the recent launch of the End of Dragons expansion, ArenaNet brings us this hefty studio update where they outline t...
The long-awaited End of Dragons expansion for ArenaNet's MMORPG Guild Wars 2 is now live. Priced at $29.99, the game's third ...
The End of Dragons expansion for ArenaNet's MMORPG Guild Wars 2 will be going live in just a few days, on February 28, 2022. ...
Apart from adding new content and character-building options, the upcoming End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 will be ...
Barring any delays, the End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 will be going live later this month. Which means now's the ...
Thanks to this new gameplay trailer, we now know that the upcoming End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 will be going li...
With the End of Dragons expansion for ArenaNet's MMORPG Guild Wars 2 scheduled to go live in late February, a number of outle...
The end of year update for ArenaNet's MMORPG Guild Wars 2 shares a thank you message from the team, highlights some upcoming ...
The fourth and final beta preview event for the upcoming End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 is here. Running through D...
The End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 should be going live in a few months, and as a result, we can now check out a c...
The upcoming End of Dragons expansion for ArenaNet's MMORPG Guild Wars 2 is scheduled to go live in February 2022. In the mea...
Among other things, the upcoming End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 will be introducing a series of new "Strike M...
The third beta event for Guild Wars 2, highlighting the new elite specializations you'll have at your disposal once the upcom...
The third elite specialization beta event for Guild Wars 2 is going to be live next week, between October 26 and October 30. ...
The second elite specialization beta for Guild Wars 2 is now live, highlighting three of the new elite specializations that w...
Next week, you'll be able to participate in the second Guild Wars 2 beta event that will be highlighting three of the new eli...
Among its other new features, the upcoming End of Dragons expansion for ArenaNet's MMORPG Guild Wars 2 will be introducing fi...
The third new elite specialization (following the Virtuoso and the Harbinger) you'll get access to when Guild Wars 2's upcomi...
ArenaNet's upcoming beta event for Guild Wars 2's End of Dragons expansion is going to prominently feature three new elite sp...
The upcoming End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 will be introducing a number of new elite specializations to ArenaNet'...
End of Dragons, the third expansion for ArenaNet's MMORPG Guild Wars 2, is set to go live in February 2022. And for the time ...