The adventures of the mighty Olaf, the son of the Northling King, continue in Ice and Fire! This time, Olaf travels across the sea to a small island lost among the waves and covered by snow and ice, a place named The Ice Gardens. Recently the inhabitants of this distant location have been sending reports of changes in the climate, and Olaf has come to help the ice spirits and snow elves struggle against the impending thaw.
New adventures and challenges, new friends and foes, and new items and awards await Olaf on his way to victory as he sets off on a journey to distant parts of Endoria which even the Royal Bounty Hunters have never seen!
Ice and Fire features:
• Creature skill system – lead your troops through dozens of battles and see them become stronger than ever!
• Snow Elves – a new Elven nation that prefers the snows and blizzards of the Ice Gardens to the green forests of Merlassar.
• Necro Lizardmen – a new kind of undead: Lizardmen that have risen from the dead.
• New locations to explore.
• Over 20 new creatures.
• Reworked creatures from King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North.
• New items with unique attributes.
• Ice and Fire adds 20 hours of gameplay to the original Warriors of the North, including additions to the main storyline and new quests.
While King's Bounty: Dark Side might already be in development, we didn't want to leave you without a critique for King's Bou...
IntroductionKing's Bounty: Warriors of the North is the latest installment in the King's Bounty franchise. The original Kin...
1C Company and Katauri Interactive have released a new update for their Ice and Fire DLC for King's Bounty: Warriors of the N...
1C Company fired over the expected press release today announcing the digital release of their relatively low key King's Boun...
With no previous announcement at all, 1C Company and Katauri Interactive have suddenly sprung forth a press release announcin...