Infinite Interactive, developers of the genre-bending Puzzle Quest series, have revealed that they may have yet another titl...
Joystiq's weekly WRPG columnist clearly enjoyed Infinite Interactive's Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords enough to dedi...
IGN has put together a top 100 of modern video games, where modern means "current generation". The list is, as any other of i...
It was only a matter of time before Steve Fawkner and his crew at Infinite Interactive were bought up by someone looking to c...
The second day of Steam's holiday sale is upon us, with this latest batch of deals being much more RPG-oriented. Most of yes...
According to a small tease on their online portal, the January 2010 issue of GamePro magazine will be revealing Infinite In...
If you go to a casual gaming web site (like, say, Big Fish Games), then you'll find a ton of (matching games) or (match-3 gam...