Developed by Dynamix and published by Sierra On-Line back in 1993, Betrayal at Krondor is an ambitious CRPG designed to resem...
With this fourth and final installment, Matt Barton has brought us to the conclusion of his video interview with industry vet...
There's a significant focus on the development of Betrayal at Krondor, the collaboration they did with Raymond Feist on the t...
While the topics this time around don't focus on Betrayal at Krondor or Return to Krondor, it's certainly worth mentioning th...
Matt Barton managed to track down John Cutter of Betrayal at Krondor fame for a new series of video interviews, and while som...
If you're interested in grabbing some old-school RPGs dirt cheap this weekend, Good Old Games has got a deal just for you. Al...
Although the title of this new Good Old Games article suggests that we're going to hear about several underrated role-playing...
The catalogue of titles over at Good Old Games continues to expand, with PyroTechnix's Return to Krondor being the latest rol...