Torchlight Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1226
Bitmob goes without a score:
Torchlight is a well made, addictive Diablo clone, that perfectly captures the sprit of the game it wishes to emulate.If you are looking forward to Diablo III or even if you just want to try out the genre, you can't go far wrong with Torchlight.At $20 it's great value and will provide hours of fun and entertainment.
Jay is Games remains scoreless, too:
If you enjoy action, adventure, and, oh yes, treasure, then Torchlight probably has a lot to offer you. With addictive gameplay, a dedicated development team, and the upcoming editor that will allow you to make your own modifications to the game, Torchlight offers a lot of bang for its respectable buck.
Pixel Socks doesn't want to go with a score, either:
Torchlight unearths venerable gameplay concepts from the Diablo dynasty and sockets in features that give it a +2 to modern design sensibilities. It is a narrowly focused game, so fans of roguelikes and action RPGs will find a lot to love, but everyone else will just wonder why they never see their gamer friends any more. The hardcore should appreciate the long-term playability afforded by procedural generation and a tactical twist on classic gamplay concepts. Casual gamers already comfortable with World of Warcraft will find that this game offers more action without additional barriers to entry.
Terminal Gamer gives it an 8/10:
Overall, Torchlight is a fun little game with lots of replay value. Despite its minor flaws, Torchlight does a lot of things right. If you are a student like myself and are waiting for class to start or if you are someone looking for a relaxing dungeon crawling game there is no need to look further than Torchlight.
And The Bitbag gives it a 3.5/5:
Just to condense this all up into a finishing paragraph, the game is great, and deserves a decent score to match it. Though it is a Diablo knock off, it's a welcome change of pace to how most games work these days. Running through the game and really caring about the story will be hard to do, and aiming to benchmark with this game is like racing in the Indie 500 with a Pinto. But if you just want wholesome gameplay that satisfies time and time again, you'll want this game.