TORN - The Future of RPGs? An Interview...
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1207
IGNPC: Do you think 3D is the future of RPG gaming? What about online RPG gaming?
David Maldonado, Lead Designer from Black Isle Studios: I suppose so - in both cases - though I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing. While flash/eye candy and hardware support are generally not the driving forces behind any CRPG, the number of gamers - casual, hardcore (I don't care much for bandying those terms about, but...), or otherwise - looking for such in all their games seems too large to simply ignore. My opinion - one based more on casual observation than any serious research, so please take this as largely uninformed and possibly entirely unqualified - is that anyone that doesn't make that move risks being eventually left behind as technology continues to move in a direction that supports 3D over 2D graphics. However, I imagine that in time (and possibly not much time at all, in the scheme of things) 3D will rise to level at which it has all the pros of 2D artwork (plus it's own wacky extras), and everyone - well... everyone that can afford the machine to run it - will at last be happy.
That's from a robust interview on Torn, the "high-fantasy" world being worked on by Black Isle. So far, they're aiming to satisfy all gamers who have yearned for the ultimate in the fantasy setting. And with no definitive license, they're moving forward with their own set of rules and storylines. Sounds great!