Grim Dawn Build 19 Released, Grim Misadventures #47
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2673

There's some big news for Grim Dawn this week, and it comes in the form of this announcement that Build 19 has been released, a new post-funding update that elaborates on the release a bit more, and a 47th "Grim Misadventures" feature that covers a new dismantling feature coming in Build 20. Hmm, where do I begin?
Build 19 has gone live today and unleashed two-handed melee weapons along with the "roguelike" dungeon, Steps of Torment. It also includes a new experimental constitution mechanic that is intended to help out-of-combat regen not seem infinite and more of a resource you need to use somewhat strategically. Previously we released dual wielding for pistols, so that checks a couple of stretch goals off the list!
Build 19 also includes a lot of behind the scenes coding work to make our new quest system work with multiplayer, in advance of our anticipated multiplayer release this summer (possibly by the end of July). These changes required a lot of testing and fixing that prevented us from releasing B19 sooner but we've already gotten a lot of work done on B20 content in the meantime.
With the release of Act II, we introduced a new resource for you to collect in the form of Dynamite. This powerful explosive has helped clear the way through outlaw barricades and opened up secret passages lost to time. You can look forward to further such uses in Act III. However, once you've blown up all the barricades and unsealed all the sealed places of the world, you might find yourself with a whole lot of boom but not much to use it on. This is where Dismantling comes in.
Kasparov, the resident scientist of Devil's Crossing, has a theory that the powerful forces consumed in the creation of magical artifacts can be unleashed if enough energy is input into the test chamber. This way, he can investigate their arcane properties on a component level. In order to prove his genius, he will instruct you to collect enough dynamite so that he and his apprentice, Darlet, can perform the necessary experiments.
Dismantling is a new mechanic available to the Inventor which will allow you to break down items of at least Magical quality into basic materials.
This process will always yield a few pieces of valuable Scrap, which you can use in crafting and to repair structures such as bridges. The resulting explosion can also create Components, presuming they make it through the intense conflagration. The chance of generating a Component improves with the quality of the item you are Dismantling. The most powerful items can even generate Components of rare quality.