Zombasite v1.014 Patch Released, 50% Discount
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1449

- decreased all insanity friend mults to 1/4 of previous values (might be causing more insanity chain reactions than intended) (Throwback)
- tripled damage inflation of DOTs
- can now switch bags easier
- now more skills auto aim to nearest enemy when used
- added Soft Lock Target option to allow players to turn off the selection mechanism that keeps you locked on a target without basically selecting another target (this will make it much easier to switch targets, but a little bit harded to stick with the same target, if you click multiple times)
- made font crisper (also added r_higherResFontsMult var that lets users change this)
- added Heart of Gold bonus financial sense (+100 money find)
- Little Titans now have the recruiter trait (Throwback)
- made rumor cost bonus from Little Titans better (Throwback)
- made sabotage cost bonus from Fang better
- made rumor cost bonus from Reptilian Terror better
- made buying guards from Eternal Darkness cheaper
- halved food cost from Order of the Moon
- Frenzy are now much more likely to raid a clan that is raiding an ally
- Eviscerators are now much more likely to raid a clan that is being raided by an ally
- alliance with Inferno now gives clan fire resistance bonus
- alliance with Dragon Claw now gives clan lightning resistance bonus
- fixed too many uprisings of the same monster type guaranteeing that all monsters spawned in that level would be uniques of that monster type
- quadrupled increase in relations for killing a shared enemy NPC
- no longer bleed neighbor levels into a level that tries to generate too many times
- fixed spawning extras on Poisoned Supply quests (Throwback)
- fixed quests not showing their instigator correctly in quest text
- now when healthstone is being attacked turns on being attacked icon
- made it easier to click around large/huge monsters (only uses half of scale above 1 for selection purposes)
- made skill_damage mult work with melee attacks (I had this commented out so it's possible this breaks something else)
- now oil always catches on fire if hit with fire damage
- fixed a problem where blocks connection would get confused with overlapping blocks
- fixed mining, horror, and treasure level modifiers not spawning more of the correct chests
- fixed Mystic Brotherhood not getting 2 traits and sometimes getting hidden ones
- now staff/wand will be marked as better than current staff/wand if spell damage mult is higher
- now if have a better guard, door, or relic in inventory shows you the weakest one that is equipped
- increased spy chance mult from 2.5 to 4.0 for spying clans
- fixed hates/likes class personality stuff
- now other clans should only offer and specific item to sell to player once
- increased hulk health mult from 1.25 to 2.0
- made mine special rooms better
- increased money needed for NPC donations by 50%
- increased reinforcement chances by 50%
- now some monsters can get above the normal reinforcement chances cap
- fixed some problems with completing group quests without killing proper enemies
- now if any quest starts too many new quests its priority will be increased to indicate its increasing threat
- improved searching for a quest group when the leader has been killed
- horrors (normal and zombie) now have more resistances
- increased guardian health 100%
- lower level NPC gifts now much better at changing repution (now use 0.9 mult instead of 0.75)
- fixed people clan power (NPCs in player clan counted twice and their items) - will make power comparisons closer to reality
- now other clans start with some relics, doors, and guards (how many depends on their level) - will make other clans more powerful and they might have more money
- now soul stone shows up on edge of minimap when out of range but in same level
- increased gem gift happiness change by 400%
- increased jewelry relation/happiness to match gems
- fixed always getting the same avatars
- fixed monsters stopping long attacks when player moves out of range (scorpion tail attack, zombie saurian breath attack, etc)
- now many quests modify the xp reward based on the quest's main monster's xp mult
- fixed several of the totems auras not working
- addDatabaseEntryIndex is now guaranteed across network
- fixed Bolt of Gloom and Shadow Bolt inflation
- delivery quests between clans are now optional (rawrkite)
- can now pay gold to search for obsidian for teleport stone
- soul stones no longer get deleted after a period of time or purged when need entity slots
- happiness level no longer changes how often a renegades changes into a ghost
- can now see across level edges (if nothing else blocks)
- no longer respawn monsters in levels that aren't currently loaded (postpones for 10 seconds)
- changed whirlwind to not need an enemy so a little easier to use
- now uprising uses quest specific monster type before parent's
- now player won't get more than 1 taunt every 5 minutes
- fixed bag comparison when same size but different values
- added cheat_escalateRandomQuest to test some things better
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 66
- changed "Clan lifestone health" to "Clan healthstone health"
- now can put quests in empty towns
- got rid of duplicate LevelModifierPirate
- got rid of duplicate ChestUniqueHC
- added test_objectSpawn, test_chestSpawn, and test_trapSpawn
- changed save version to 222
- added a GameLoadCount to make some things easier (like random trigger names that stay unique over loads)
- now can close locked doors
- torches will now light when hit by fire and stop when hit by ice
- liquids now spread in more of a line
- improved map blending a little (weights main pixel more, corner pixels less, etc)
- edges with same areas on both sides on open much more often
- added closed block print now says which level file and center position
- fixed some issues with trying to not have duplicate level names (not taking into account large areas and fake areas)
- lighting is now consistent across a large level
- fixed secretGate icon not being a power of 2
- random models for monster types now uses monster/npc random seed so a little more controlable/repeatable
- fixed effects that spawn slower than their max age
- fixed CriticalHeal translation
- fixed left click to hire recruit text (has a ##4## in it)
- fixed missing translation RewardChestAvailableInHouse
- fixed raiding dialog having victim and attacker backwards
- changed item names that are gold to dark gold so would be a little different than default selected color in lists
- only mention Can't be repaired on items now if they can be lose durability in some way
- NPCs will no longer talk about strongest or weakest clan if they are unknown to your clan
- fixed unique stalker names (a bunch marked as suffixes when supposed to be prefixes)
- now guard breaks free always works (assuming there is a guard to break free)
- fixed a few deep wounds magic modifier names
- fixed replacing items on userslot bar so that running out of ice potions didn't replace it with something like a love potion
- doors are no longer considered sentient :)
- fixed left/right now working to loop through relics, guards, and doors for comparison purposes
coordinated attack messages now tell level and clan name- now tornadoes show up on minimap/world map (purple dot and named)
- now tornadoes always send across the network if in town
- increased chances of tornadoes
- made monsters move around more often
- now show level of guard items on ground that aren't monsters (traps mostly)
- made furies a little bit larger
- scree now clump a bit more
- increased range where monsters do their idle behavior
- a known gate now shows up on the minimap for the entire level not just when you are close
- made dryness level modifier only apply to levels above ground
- if you drop a gem onto itself it no longer gives you a warning of no gem slot
- fixed NPCs using skills like whirlwind out of range of enemy
- no longer get most powerful clan message if your clan is the only known clan
- fixed guard item displayed when on ground and in higher difficulty
- added description to guard totems
- added happiness change to gift print
- deadly poison now shows up as a happiness problem
- focus drop boxes on clan screen now go over "Basic Clan Statistics" words
- no longer get talk and other icons on map for someone that has gone insane
- fixed another issue with level of guard item on ground and inventory not matching
- fixed highlighting aura not giving correct status effect data (just showing level 1)
- aura status effect data now shows inflation adjusted amount
- fixed large shield being too large
- fixed sometimes not playing attack animations if attack was faster than animation
- Erillin avatar no longer has a sword
- improved icons and descriptions for totem guards
- fixed missing localization BagIsFull
- made randomHeadTextures, chest, legs, etc stuff much more generic
- liquids that spread no longer keep the same rotation
- changed mining prefix/suffix from gold to mining type words to be more consistent
- fixed not replacing destination gate when going through a secret gate
- guardian death no longer has random speed (makes sound timing off)