Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Reviews
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Reviewing an MMO is no easy task, even if it is just an expansion. Still, a number of reviews for the recent Path of Fire expansion for Guild Wars 2 are now available. For the most part, they paint a positive picture and praise the expansion's story, environments and the addition of mounts, while also noting a lack of significant PvP and PvE end-game content and some bugs. Have a look:
RPGFan 90/100:
Path of Fire is a much better expansion than Heart of Thorns, and the best part about it is it will only set you back $30. The Guild Wars 2 base game is already free to play, and if you want both expansions, you can get them combined for $50. You are essentially getting years worth of content for the price of one game. If you have already played Guild Wars 2 before but have left for one reason or another and are on the fence about returning, I could not recommend a better time to come back. The Guild Wars 2 of 2017 is a very different game then you probably remember, and that's a good thing. Change in MMOs keeps them fresh and fun for years to come, and Guild Wars 2 embraces this better than any other MMO on the market. Praise Joko!
GameGrin 9/10:
This isn’t to say that the expansion has no issues though, the expansion doesn’t include any new dungeon or raid content, which might be disappointing for those who were expecting that. There are also no direct new additions to World vs World or Structured Player vs Player outside the new profession specialisations mixing things up. Of course, all these things could come with regular updates and the next Living World season, but “out of the box” it’s noteworthy that these things are missing.
As a whole though, the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire expansion is the most polished and entertaining release ArenaNet have pulled off since Guild Wars 2 launched five years ago, the experience gained from producing the Living World content shows through in the quality of the campaign and the environments they’ve made for you to get lost in. 9/10:
My only real complaint for Path of Fire is a bug that’s been plaguing Guild Wars 2 for years - you can and will still get disconnected in Story instances, and more often than not when that happens you lose all progress. This is gutting because some story missions are an hour long, and you find yourself at the end of the laborious task only to have it reset randomly on you.
In the end though, I can’t recommend Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire enough. It’s no secret that GW2 has been one of my favorite MMORPGs for the last five years, but Heart of Thorns really tested that notion for me. Path of Fire puts things squarely back in the right direction for ArenaNet’s flagship. The Mounts, the zones, the Masteries, and the story all bundle up together to make one delicious stew of gaming goodness. For $30 (Standard Edition), you really can’t go wrong. Welcome back to the best of the best, Guild Wars 2. Keep it up.
KeenGamer 8.5/10:
Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire is definitely a step foward in the game's development. It does, however, only completely please one part of the player base, who felt they missed content in Heart of Thorns. Yet, it does also offer something not much MMOs out there have: free and amazing exploration. Blade and soul, for example, a great PvE MMO (and PvP also) which focuses its experience around instances and raids instead of open world events, also means it doesn't create as much open world exploration as Guild wars 2.
While HoTs expansion was focused on fast clearing of maps and the completion and mastery of the meta events every stage had... it also meant you could finish the new content in a week without problems. Is not the case with Path of Fire. This expansion needs time and a drive to uncover new things, to learn the lore (which also connects with the previous game of Guild wars) and in one phrase, immerse yourself.
And personally, I don't mind it. I'm an RPG lover, which is why if I can assume a role or a character and live a world which is not my own, I feel great.
CGMagazine 8/10:
Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire is a great expansion for an MMORPG that’s now five-years-old. For anyone like myself who missed out on the game during its original release, I’d recommend trying it out now. You won’t get as much out of the story as long-time fans or people who have done their homework but you’ll still be able to enjoy the game’s great visuals and huge amount of content, which now makes it even greater than before.
WCCFTech 7.5/10:
Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire manages to do just enough to keep fans interested in visiting the world of Tyria by adding much needed features like mounts. The new class specializations also provide new and interesting ways to play your typical MMO class archetypes. Still, Path of Fire probably won't convince anyone who wasn't already enthralled with ArenaNet's MMORPG.
GameRevolution 3.5/10:
It's disappointing how many issues Guild War 2's second expansion Path of Fire has. Whether it's the lack of content, numerous bugs (some fixed, others that still exist), or rushed plot, there's a lot that hinders what is otherwise a surprisingly great expansion.
The story is mostly well-written and emotional, the environments are far more beautiful and varied than you'd imagine, and the new mounts change up how you play the entire game. The positives do just barely outweigh the negatives, though, making Path of Fire easily the best part of the entire Guild Wars series that ArenaNet has created.