Dauntless Cell System and New Behemoths
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The upcoming Sharpen Your Skills update for Phoenix Labs' cooperative action-RPG Dauntless, apart from reworking the game's progression and combat, will introduce a new Cell system and add a couple of new Behemoths for you to fight. With Cells you'll be able to augment your arms and armor with mystical powers that range from simple stat upgrades to specific bonuses that support your particular playstyle:
Each weapon and piece of armour has a number of cells that you can socket, and some cells are exclusive to certain weapon and armour types. Augmenting your weapons, armour, and lanterns will allow you to become even more like the Behemoths that you slay.
Cells empower you to go beyond cosmetic customization so you can personalize the way you slay. Want to focus on damage and go hard? Want to turn your weapon into an elemental powerhouse? Want to shape the way that you support other Slayers? There are cells for that, and every blend in-between. These customizations make subtle changes to the way that you hunt and the way that you interact with your hunting party.
With the implementation of blunt and piercing damage types (read more here), weapons are now even more varied in their capabilities. Whether you’re committing to one weapon or changing it up to complement your team, specialization and variety are critical considerations for every Slayer. Cells augment weapons to your specifications, ensuring that no two weapons need be the same.
Some cells offer straightforward enhancements. Additional movement speed, a larger health pool, enhanced elemental resistance, faster stamina regeneration, and more are available. There are even more specialized cells to enhance the characteristics of specific weapons. Socket an Impact Hammer reload cell and you’ll recoup ammo when using blast dodges.
If you’re a Slayer who takes pride in their performance, cells also provide an opportunity to capitalize on mastery. Some cells might give you a quick bonus for executing perfect dodges, while others might reward long combos or other Slayer feats of strength. You can also tweak your gear to support playing in a specific style. Double down on your stagger build, stack bonuses to your movement speed following a dodge, or even build a set of armour that gives you a shield every time you revive a fallen Slayer.
We know that Slayers are excited to start augmenting their gear with cells. Expect to discover these powerful pieces of archonite when you break open aether cores. We’re changing the role that cores play and how you’ll open them (as laid out in the Sharpen Your Skills Progression blog) so be sure to read up!
You’ll gain access to more powerful and versatile cells as you progress through Dauntless. This means that you’ll be unlocking both more powerful gear and better ways to customize it as well. Cells allow Slayers to breathe new life into old favorites and that means more variety and more rewards for taking Behemoths down.
And when it comes to the Behemoths, you'll be getting Kharabak, a swift and mobile flying beast, and Skarn, a cross between a walking mountain and a lizard. Check them out:
By the time you’ve bested your share of Embermanes, bagged a few Skraevs, and even dropped a Pangar, you’re starting to get comfortable. You’ve got some slick gear and can dodge-roll with the best of them. Well on your way to becoming a legend of Ramsgate, nothing can stand in your way. And that’s when the Kharabak reminds you that there’s always something deadlier and faster just over the horizon.
Maybe more than any other Behemoth, Kharabaks are ready to turn the tables on Slayers. Their high mobility and predatory nature make them the assassin of the Behemoth kingdom. You’ll need to watch every angle and anticipate the unexpected. This deadly beast is ready to pounce on any mistake and turn the tables with ruthless efficiency.
Slayers new to this hunt may find themselves being pressured into a tight group by relentless, slicing attacks. Don’t fall for it. This Behemoth features two separate attacks that wreak havoc on bunched-up Slayers, so remember it’s more than just your own skin that’s on the line.
Slayers looking to dominate this fight will need to keep the pressure on. Kharabaks continue to pick up speed as they fight and you’ll need to figure out how to slow it down. An emergency extraction is sure to follow if this Behemoth gets slicing and dicing at top speeds.
The name of the game with Kharabaks is focus. Even if you’re staying on top of the beast’s speed and working together to dodge ricochets, you’ll have a new challenge on your hands once this Behemoth enrages. We won’t spoil the surprise but be sure to keep your audio up — and don’t trust your eyes.
Any veteran Slayer will tell you that knowing where to put your blade is more important than how hard you can swing it. The thick rock armour that covers Skarn will dull even the fiercest of onslaughts, leaving attackers with little stamina and even less to show for their efforts. You’ll need to play it smart and coordinate with your fellow Slayers if you want to make headway against these lumbering boulders.
But don’t let the slow steps and low rumble of the ground fool you — this Behemoth can lash out with angry, deadly strikes. Where an Embermane is quick to run down its prey, and a Shrike will pick off distant targets with a wind-cutter, Skarns prefer to stay put and bring their targets within range of their punishing strikes. Slayers will need to keep an eye out for flying boulders and rock spire surges once they’re in close enough to attack, juggling the jobs of breaking through armour and going in for the kill.
Expect to find Skarns roaming earlier islands and pushing your team to effectively coordinate your attacks. Slayers with hammers will find a natural place breaking away thick rock plating and War Pike wielders will do well to open up wounds for focused attacks.