Monster Hunter: World Appreciation Fest Event Live
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1322

Monster Hunter: World initially released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26, 2018. And in order to celebrate the game's first anniversary, Capcom brings us the special “Appreciation Fest” event that will be running through February 21, 2019 across all supported platforms, including the PC. During the event, almost all past event quests will be available along with a plethora of unique cosmetic rewards.
You can read all about the event here and find a list of event quests here. Some additional details:
During the event, almost all of the past event quests will be available. If you weren't able to obtain some of special equipment before, this is your chance to get them again! Don't let this opportunity pass you by! The Appreciation Fest also has unique event quests in celebration of the game's one year anniversary, so check them out!
Join the Appreciation Fest and Earn Materials from Seasonal Event Quests to Forge Special Armor Sets!
Use Appreciation Tickets to craft the special Gala Suit armor series! Celebrate the Appreciation Fest in this formal getup!
You can also use Appreciation Tickets to craft the Star and Star α sets for your Palico!
Appreciation Tickets are obtained via login bonus and limited bounties, and can also be used to craft and upgrade the Fair Wind Lance, modeled after the Fifth Fleet's banner.
New "Layered Armor" Offers More Ways to Change Your Appearance!
Talk to the Smithy in Astera after obtaining new tickets to unlock special delivery requests. Appreciation Tickets obtained during the event and other tickets and items can be delivered to the Resource Center to get your layered armor!
Other Features are Getting an Appreciated Boost, Too!
Facility Sales
Each facility in Astera will have sales during the Appreciation Fest! These sales will feature discounted prices on items or other special bonuses. Be on the lookout for the special sale icon, the Argosy, and special music playing in Astera. This sale happens at the same time for all players online, so make sure to team up with your friends to take full advantage of this opportunity!
Login Bonus and Limited Bounties
You'll get some new login bonuses and limited bounties too!
As a login bonus, you'll get three Lucky Vouchers plus an Appreciation Ticket. There will also be daily limited bounties where you can earn Appreciation Fireworks and Appreciation Tickets.
During the event you can earn Gold Wyverian Prints by completing limited bounties on Wednesday and Sunday.
You can also exchange Appreciation Tickets for Appreciation Fireworks at the Elder Melder.
Limited-time Appreciation Platter
A special appreciation platter will be available in the gathering hub only during this event. All of the ingredients at the canteen will be delivered fresh, so make sure to use them before every quest!
New Outfits for the Handler and Poogie, Too!
The Handler: Friendly Felyne Costume
Poogie: Sparkling Party costume