Quest for Infamy Reviews
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We have rounded up the first batch of reviews for Quest for Infamy, Infamous Quests' Kickstarter-funded adventure/RPG in the mold of Quest for Glory. So far, verdicts seem mixed, with some critics offering praise for the game's dialogue and puzzle design, while others criticizing it for these very same aspects.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun's Wot I Think is positive, if hardly enthusiastic:
Unfortunately, Quest for Infamy has the misfortune of coming in the wake of Crystal Shard's Heroine's Quest, which doesn't look quite as nice or have as snappy dialogue most of the time, but does pull off the Quest for Glory adventure style far more effectively a mix of feeling generally more confident about what it is, better implementing the tools and RPG side of things, and continuing the tradition of exploring a new type of environment and mythology. And most surprisingly of all, being free. It's easier to cut an indie game slack when you're not just off playing another game that managed to do the same things better with the same engine and more even more limitations including not having had a $63,281 Kickstarter to fund its adventuring.
Be that as it may though, this is still a good crack at the Quest for Glory formula that, like Roehm, has little stomach for infamy but doesn't do a bad job at reluctant heroism. If you remember the original games fondly, you're almost certainly going to enjoy it, even if it doesn't quite reach their level. If you've never played them, the whole set of originals can be had for ten bucks at (with a VGA remake of the second available elsewhere). It's impossible to recommend playing Quest for Infamy before or instead of those, but do keep it in mind for when you're done, and enjoying the knowledge that there are, finally, more games like them both out and on the way.
IncGamers, 5/10.
Unlikely to live in infamy. Quest for Infamy is a reasonable attempt at making a Quest for Glory game, but it's let down by dull combat and puzzle design.
Strategy Informer, 3/10.
As an adventure game that places a premium on its narrative, you might be able to look past Infamy's primitive combat. What is harder to turn a blind eye to, however, is the equally primitive and archaic portrayal of women.
It's a shame that Infamy devolves into such juvenile practices as there are some nice flourishes on display for instance, the hand-drawn aesthetic lends a quaint, homely feel to adventuring that feels refreshing in light of the grandeur that western RPGs typically strive for yet it's impossible to root for a game that makes such a critical misstep.
Gamezebo, 4.5/5.
The result is a game that is nearly perfect in its presentation its characters, dialogue, puzzles, and world are brilliant in their combination of believable depth and ridiculousness but requires significant player effort to unlock all of its potential. Is it worth the effort? Absolutely. And at the very least, you'll have Roehm to empathize with you when the going gets vague: (Oh, for God's sake just let me go on and stumble upon what I'm supposed to find.)
Leviathyn, 8.5/10.
Quest for Infamy offers a very niche audience fans of the Quest for Glory series of the 90s a suitably enjoyable adventure that could proudly stand amongst the series it lovingly recreates with a genuinely funny tone and solid gameplay. While its strict retro style can be infuriating in some aspects, it should not be missed by anyone with fond memories of Sierra's golden age.
Twinfinite, 3/5.
At the end of the day Quest for Infamy is a good, fun game. While it gets bogged down by a little too much tedium, the story is fun and the conversations hilarious. With enough choice to make it feel real and human, the player will find no shortage of dastardly deeds and hilarious moments to make playing through to the end worthwhile.
Mouse N Joypad, 82%.
In the end, Quest For Infamy is a lovingly created love letter to the hybrid genre we see all too rarely these days. It offers the best of both worlds while harkening back to the days when adventure gaming drove the industry forward. If you've played Dirk, King's Quest or are simply a fan of the genre, this game is a must. For those who yearn for a more traditional adventure, it's bound to give you something to carry you over until something new appears on the horizon. A definitive recommendation.
PopMatters, 4/10.
There's an FAQ for the demo on their Kickstarter page that asks how players are supposed to find a particular event that pushes the story forward. You'd think that if players are so universally confused that they have to be offered instructions through an FAQ that something is wrong with the game, but not in this case. Nothing was changed in the final version I played for review. For better or for worse, Quest for Infamy is exactly the kind of game it's supposed to be.
High Score Reviews, 6/10.
Overall, Quest for Infamy lives and dies by its commitment to delivering a retro, role-playing, adventure experience, and its appeal is probably limited to those who really want to scratch that particular nostalgic itch. With some truly witty dialogue and a great sense of humour, though, Quest for Infamy is never anything less than enjoyable for the audience it wants to cater for.