Camelot Grab Bag Q&A
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1020
Q: Is there a cap on the chance to block? There is a 50% cap on the chance to parry and evade but no solid information on the cap for the chance to block. In a grab bag way back in 2002 Sanya stated that there was NO cap on blocking but that does not sound true anymore. I am trying to figure out if specing 50 shield + 12 + RR with a few levels of master of blocking is so far over the cap that the spec points and realm points were just wasted.
Thanks for your help :)
A: I die inside whenever I see a question dating back to 2002, which I call "the summer of my discontent." There will be an entire chapter of my tell all book devoted to a former grab bag answer person.
Anyway, here's the response I got from the CodeMaster, who is very nice and one of the original coders of Camelot: "There is a cap of 80% chance to block when facing one opponent, 90% when facing 2, and 99% when facing 3 or more."