Guild Wars: Eye of the North E3 Preview
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In the new areas of Guild Wars: Eye of the North, players learn the stories of the new or reworked races and can curry their favor through missions and even unique mini-games. For example, the Norn have an arena combat game. There, players engage in single combat with famous NPCs they've met previously in their Guild Wars career. If the player wins, they gain favor with the Norn.
The Assura mini-game is a little more complex. Strain described it as "like Chess". The player and his band of Heroes line up one at a time on a pedestal and lob things at an enemy, who does the same. As each character goes down, they're replaced by the next in line. The first one to kill all their opponent's enemies in this fashion wins and makes the Assura proud. How's this like chess? Well, unlike the combat of the Norn game, it's rather tactical. The choice of "pieces" is important and much of the combat asks the player to thwart their enemy's attacks rather than just do the best DPS.