Lords of the Fallen Reviews
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We have rounded up some more reviews for the recently released Lords of the Fallen, an action-RPG developed by City Interactive and Deck13, with verdicts that closely match those of our first round-up.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun, scoreless.
There is apparently a 5GB patch incoming for Lords of the Fallen, which may make a difference, but at this point I'd advise steering well clear unless you're rocking an absolutely monster rig. Even then, is it worth it? From the not-inconsiderable amount I've played of LotF it feels like a game that lacks the finesse and precision of its inspiration, lacking any kind of multiplayer element and offering only a Diablo-esque quantity of loot to keep you coming back. Presuming that the game is patched to a workable state RPS will return to take another look in a week or so's time but until then, you'd be better-served replaying the Souls games.
GamesRadar, 3/5.
Taken on its own this is a sophisticated fantasy RPG executed with consideration and thought, but Lords of the Fallen never really escapes the spectre of Souls, and it can only blame itself .
Trusted Reviews, 7/10.
It might be a cover version of Dark Souls, but at least it's a good cover version, with solid mechanics, gripping combat and a few twists that make it slightly more approachable to newbies. Lords of the Fallen suffers from a forgettable story and some generic art, and could be a fair bit tighter, technically speaking, but if you like your Souls and want a slightly different take, it's a decent buy.
Videogamer.com, 6/10.
While Lords of the Fallen can be fun in spells, its inconsistency, poor pacing and muddied conveyance mean it stands in the shadows of its competitors. It's a shame, as there is an interesting world and setup here, and the game certainly gets stronger towards its conclusion, but it just never quite reaches the heights of what else is on offer.
Metro, 7/10.
There seems likely to be two types of people that will be interested in Lords Of The Fallen, the first being veterans of Dark Souls keen for more of the same. As long as they understand the game's goals and limitations they should be perfectly entertained by the experience, at least as a stop-gap until Bloodborne arrives and whatever else From Software is planning.
The other group are new players intimidated or frustrated by the real Dark Souls, and who are looking for something easier and more accessible. They also should be well satisfied, and if they do then graduate to the real thing they'll have an even greater appreciation for how intricately designed and carefully balanced it is. Because even the best copy is never as good as the original.
Digital Spy, 3/5.
If you're hankering for a bit more Souls-shaped entertainment in your life, Lords of the Fallen can fill a gap. It can kill some time, provide some entertainment for a few hours.
But its lack of subtlety in its mechanics, it's rather clunky nature and its somewhat dull, basic setting mean it will never be more than a decent distraction: a game to play in between other games, or while you wait until Bloodborne early next year.
NowGamer, 7/10.
More than once there were issues with hit-detection, and in an RPG where skill is as important as the stats powering your character that's just not on. One particularly infuriating issue saw the frame rate drop to a consistently low count, making combat against one of the game's bosses unfairly difficult.
After rage-quitting and returning later the frame rate had, mystically, resolved itself and the boss was downed in the first attempt, highlighting just how much of an issue this really is.
It's these technical faults that really ruin what could have otherwise been a very solid RPG, albeit one that pays homage a little too closely to Dark Souls (damn it, so close).
GameZone, 7/10.
Throughout the game you're going to know where you should be going but getting there isn't always as simple; after the second boss the difficulty ramps up. Yet while Lords can be difficult, it's not as punishing as say Dark Souls. Boss fights are near the save points, the area where you died heals you, there is a potion to restore your death EXP without having to pick it back up, banking EXP also takes the pressure off of dying, and there is nothing stopping you from grinding. If you're looking for something to fill that exact void in your heart of Dark Souls (not Dark Souls II), this game is probably not it. If you're looking for a challenging, new action RPG, that borrows concepts from other successful fantasy studios while producing something new it's certainly worthwhile to give it a look. Take the training wheels off Harkyn, die a bunch of times to horrific monsters, and embark on a familiar yet new adventure.
GameRevolution, 3.0/5.
Lords of the Fallen will probably annoy just as many Dark Souls fans as it pleases. While it can be recommended to fans of FromSoftware's series by virtue of its combat system, which places its own spin on top of the Souls franchise, it often feels like you're simply playing a poor man's version of a classic game. To those who are looking for another action-RPG fix prior to the release of Bloodborne and can overlook LotF's derivative nature, then it's worth a shot. For everyone else, though, there are plenty more games releasing just around the corner to warrant you overlooking this one.
The Independent, scoreless.
Whether you'll like Lords of the Fallen comes down to whether you're a masochist or not. It has one foot in the realm of Dark Souls and Demon Souls - a medieval take on a brutal fantasy where strikes from swords, hammers and axes lead to certain death. But there's an element of the adventure here too, part-Darksiders in its aesthetic as you explore the warren-like worlds on offer. It's a game about careful planning and certain dying, and that might not be for everyone.
TheGamersHub, 7.5/10.
There's plenty here for RPG fans to sink their teeth into, you've got a New Game + and New Game ++ to run through once done, and decisions you make during the game shape how things unfold later on too. It's clear that this is ambitious, but despite the weak characters and rather throwaway story, Lords of the Fallen throws up a challenge and can sit up there as a visually impressive and enjoyable skill-based RPG.