Fallout 3 Reviews
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There's no doubt that many people already know that they will love Fallout 3: it offers the epic world that many yearn for. For those still deciding whether to take a chance on the title, know that Fallout 3 is designed with great artistry and care. The story and the characters alone will reward even those with a short attention span, while the ability to craft a character and impact the world around you will set a new gold standard for anyone ready to savor the experience. If you're looking for exciting and engrossing role-playing gameplay, Fallout 3 is a must-play title for 2008.
The second is at FiringSquad with a score of 91%:
Karma, V.A.T.S., the PIP-Boy 3000 and more all add up to give Fallout 3 a uniqueness that is all its own, while also tying it into previous games in the series. By working on so many different levels, Fallout 3 stays true to the series while also branching off in its own direction, allowing Bethesda to create something that is both theirs and Fallouts. The humor is laugh out loud funny, while the main story is interesting enough to keep the player engrossed. The many side-quests give the player almost too much to do and the huge world where it all takes place is richly interesting in both visuals and history.
Fallout 3 does contain quite a few bugs however and we even had a couple of unexplained crashes to the desktop. These issues apparently plague the console versions as well. We remain hopeful Bethesda is working on a patch for these various bugs, as nothing is more frustrating than spending time on a quest only to realize the NPC who gave it to you has committed suicide. Even with these bugs, it is apparent the time and effort that has gone into Fallout 3. From the visual detail placed on environments to the careful attention paid to established Fallout canon, Bethesda has gone and made a game that is every bit worthy of the Fallout name.
The third is at Xbox World Australia with a score of 96/100:
It's a tad cliché to say, but Fallout 3 is really more than just a game â€( it's an experience. It helps that it's a great game to boot, but the experience of wandering the devastated ruins of Washington D.C. and immersing yourself in the lore of Fallout's world is something quite unique on the Xbox 360. It takes the wide expanses of Oblivion and populates it with sights and sounds and encounters worth having, then layers on tough choices with tougher consequences, and then lets you roam free and do as you please.
It isn't quite perfect, but no game of this size and scope ever really will be, and ultimately nothing can prevent Fallout 3 from being one of the greatest role-playing experiences on the console to date.
And the fourth is at Console Obsession with a score of 6/10:
I currently can’t get into Rivet City myself without the game crashing on me, whilst others have been locked in rooms, have had important people disappear, amongst other game breaking bugs. Others have been far luckier perhaps because they haven’t done whatever it is that triggers such issues. A patch has been announced, which will hopefully eradicate all these bugs, making it a fantastic experience for all.
But as it stands, Fallout 3 is a broken game, with some frustrating issues. Away from this, the combat, the world and exploration are all real strengths of the game and if not the games complete saviour, they can certainly be considered as a saving grace. Potential buyers are recommended to wait for the incoming patch, which could very well transform the game into the fantastic game that, given its high quality in most areas, it has every right to be.