Baldur's Gate Series and Infinity Engine v2.1 Patch Released
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While the newly released v2.1 patch includes a significant number of fixes and gameplay tweaks for Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, the patch notes also outline the many other enhancements it brings to the table for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and the Infinity Engine as a whole. There's a lot to take in here, so I'll let you get to the reading:
The v2.1 update contains more than a hundred bug fixes. This document is designed to give you a comprehensive list of the fixes included in this update. These release notes are organized into the following sections:
'¢ Engine Fixes: A complete list of the bug fixes that apply universally across all Infinity Engine games.
'¢ Bug Fixes - BG:EE: A complete list of the bug fixes that apply specifically to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.
'¢ Bug Fixes - BGII:EE: A complete list of the bug fixes that apply specifically to Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
'¢ Bug Fixes - BG:SoD: A complete list of the bug fixes that apply specifically to the Siege of Dragonspear expansion.
v2.1 is the the first of many updates we plan to bring to the Infinity Engine this year. We hope you enjoy the results.
What's Next?
This update addresses many of the multiplayer issues that have been affecting players, but there are still some lingering problems that we are aware of. We intend to address those, and many others, in the next update.
Engine Fixes
This update features a number of fixes and improvements to the Infinity Engine as a whole. The items in this list affect all Infinity Engine games, which means that in addition to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, these changes will also affect Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition when it's updated.
Note that some of these fixes may be described as being specific to one game, but they represent changes to the engine's code that affects all games.
'¢ Loading a saved game in multiplayer will no longer crash when cloud save is enabled (22720)
'¢ Multiplayer clients will no longer lose control and interface at the start of a new game (22718)
'¢ Legacy of Bhaal mode will no longer reset to Insane when a client joins a multiplayer game (22717)
'¢ Cancelling a Dual Class action will no longer remove weapon proficiencies (22697)
'¢ Using the latin char "ñ" on name of saved games will no longer crash the game if using Steam Cloud Saves (22659)
'¢ Game will no longer crash if the selected portrait is too big (22633)
'¢ Casting sequencers will now show a description of how they work (22600)
'¢ [SoD only] Characters who have surrendered will no longer grant additional XP if killed (22591)
'¢ Drinks tab in Candlekeep Inn will no longer show a string number instead of the inn's name (22536)
'¢ Dialog popups in multiplayer will no longer get stuck on the screen (22494)
'¢ The Contingency screen will now display the correct information text (22489)
'¢ The Ready to Play check box will now be visible for all characters in multiplayer (22488)
'¢ Cleric spells can now be used in contingencies (22487)
'¢ Playing on the Legacy of Bhaal difficulty setting is now visible in the Options > Gameplay menu (22448)
'¢ In multiplayer, Character AI choices should be remembered after a load (22335)
'¢ Playing on the Legacy of Bhaal difficulty setting should be visible in the Options -> Gameplay menu (22332)
'¢ Mage specializations now use the correct race restrictions (22305)
'¢ Maze and Imprisonment spells will no longer remove proficiency bonuses. (22298)
'¢ Multiplayer clients will no longer require several attempts to connect to a host session (22291)
'¢ Multiplayer clients will no longer get a popup that erases the entire when closed. (22290)
'¢ The game will no longer crash in the Gorion cutscene when using the 1.3 beta on steam (22245)
'¢ It is no longer possible to cast arcane spells from quick slots while wearing armor (22241)
'¢ Multiplayer clients should now be able to connect with higher latency (22200)
'¢ The game will no longer crash on save in multiplayer with Cloud saves enabled (22195)
'¢ Multiplayer host will no longer crash when casting Find Familiar (22173)
'¢ Multiplayer clients will no longer pause on area transitions after the host is killed and reloads (22169)
'¢ Multiplayer new characters will now correctly start at level 1 in the Baldur's Gate campaign (22157)
'¢ The Character Record screen in BGII:EE has been updated to match the new layout in BG:EE (22154)
'¢ It is now possible to load an old Enhanced Edition save game from 1.2 or earlier (22147)
'¢ Legacy of Bhaal setting will now be correctly saved (22146)
'¢ The game will no longer crash when you go back to the Options menu from importing a save (22133)
'¢ Difficulty sliders will now be positioned correctly (22075)
'¢ The Export Filename label will now display correctly (22069)
'¢ Legacy of Bhaal stats will no longer be reset to normal for creatures when loading a save (21987)
'¢ Proficiencies will no longer be ignored for the off-hand weapon if you have a weapon with both a ranged and melee function in the main hand (21865)
'¢ Changes to the game's options will now persist when there are non ASCII characters in the data path (21676)
'¢ Story Mode and Nightmare mode will no longer not activate and deactivate randomly (21651)
'¢ Pressing Alt + F4 while game is loading will no longer cause on-screen ugliness (21509)
'¢ Music will now play correctly in all areas and menus on Mac (20197)
Bug Fixes - BG:EE
This update features a number of general bug fixes that specifically resolve issues in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.
'¢ AI Selection UI background will now fit displayed content (22263)
'¢ Story Mode no longer grants the "Godlike" achievement on Steam (22251)
'¢ Polish sound sets for player characters will now play correctly (22328)
'¢ Ukrainian translation credits are now displayed in Ukrainian (22347)
'¢ Rugged Leather +2 can no longer be worn with magical protection items (22361)
'¢ The Shield spell and Shield Amulet now correctly protect against Wands of Magic Missile (22474)
'¢ The Wand of Paralyzation, Wand of Spell Striking, and Wand of Cursing will now correctly cause neutral targets to become hostile (22625)
'¢ Cenk "Skysect" Aslan has been added to the list of Turkish translators. Thank you, Cenk! (22484)
'¢ Mods that add kits no longer break because of 25STWEAP.2da (22694)
Bug Fixes - BGII:EE
This update features a number of general bug fixes that specifically resolve issues in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
'¢ Haer'Dalis will now receive a second proficiency point in Long Swords if he has at least 1.2 million experience points (22243)
'¢ Story Mode will no longer grant the "Godlike" achievement on Steam (22252)
'¢ The 1.3 beta option will no longer cause the game to crash when starting a new game (22302)
'¢ The 1.3 beta option will no longer cause the game to crash when loading a saved game (22307)
'¢ The Shield spell and Shield Amulet now protect against the Wand of Magic Missile (22475)
'¢ The Comet spell will now cause the expected effect as described in the spell description (22490)
'¢ Magic Golems can now be killed in Story Mode (22660)
'¢ The Priest of Tyr kit now receives a Holy Symbol of Tyr at level 25 (22343)
'¢ Italian localization has been added and can now be selected from the Language screen (22130)
'¢ The Daystar weapon is now treated as a +4 weapon when wielded against evil creatures (22486)
Bug Fixes - BG:SoD
This update features a number of general bug fixes that specifically resolve issues in the Siege of Dragonspear expansion.
'¢ The in-game text that describes supported languages has been improved (22698)
'¢ Innate healing abilities will no longer be used on distant allies during combat (22690)
'¢ The map markers in Dead Man's Pass have been moved to their correct locations (22689)
'¢ Wraiths now have the correct undead traits (22688)
'¢ The game will no longer freeze in cut scene mode if Ashatiel spawns on a skull trap and dies (22674)
'¢ The second Essence of Clarity in the Lich Outpost will now drop even on lower difficulties (22639)
'¢ The assigned NPC scripts in PARTYAI.2da are now consistent between BG:EE and SoD (22631)
'¢ Korlasz's defenders will now turn hostile if she is attacked or killed before starting dialogue (22624)
'¢ Aura effects employed by enemies will now be used at the correct range (22622)
'¢ An imported Dorn will no longer play "Leader" sound when fatigued (22621)
'¢ The switch in BD4600 will now use the correct search map and polygon (22605)
'¢ The Druid class description now clarifies that they are allowed to wear non-metallic armor and shields (22538)
'¢ Shar-Teel will no longer remain in the party after Chapter 7 (22526)
'¢ Minsc's fourth rare selection sound from BG:EE has been restored (22525)
'¢ Chapter 9 cutscene will no longer be broken by the arrival of Tsolak's messenger (22523)
'¢ Glint will no longer rejoin the party immediately after being kicked out (22504)
'¢ Andrus Gath will no longer be summoned if rats are killed (22498)
'¢ M'Khiin and Baeloth will now be present in Coastway Crossing (22497)
'¢ Neeera's quest will now finish once she is given five items when she is not in the party (22354)
'¢ M'Khiin will no longer repeat the wrong dialogue in the Underground River map (22351)
'¢ Monsters in wilderness areas will now respawn less frequently (22340)
'¢ Concentration checks when a spellcaster takes damage will now use the original Baldur's Gate behavior (22338)
'¢ Archer opponents will no longer attempt to run away while entangled (22334)
'¢ Coldhearth will now properly use Spell Shield (22331)
'¢ Longbow on the small table at the Warrens' entrance will no longer not get stuck in the player's inventory (22323)
'¢ The coalition camp attack will now begin correctly (22317)
'¢ Neera's quest items will no longer disappear if dropped on the ground (22284)
'¢ Familiars will no longer prevent the player from getting out of bed (22281)
'¢ Only one Nobleman now appears in the Elfsong Tavern. (22278)
'¢ Khalid and Neera will no longer be killed by the Spellstone at the Bridgefort (22274)
'¢ Story mode will no longer grant the "Godlike" achievement on Steam (22254)
'¢ Indoor rats and bats will no longer have tooltips (22250)
'¢ Story Mode no longer allows party members to move or attack while Shadowstep is active (22248)
'¢ Kaelet and Umar will no longer drop drowcraft items (22247)
'¢ Korlasz will now recast her defensive spells if the party rests her area (22242)
'¢ Corwin's voiceover has been cut to match the line, "Are you ready to leave the city?" (22224)
'¢ Coldhearth will now say the correct line if the player talks to him after having completed his quest when Edwin is in the party (22220)
'¢ Coldhearth will now give the Dread Hammer +2 as a reward even if Edwin interjects (22218)
'¢ Dauston will no longer appear both inside and outside of the Flaming Fist compound (22212)
'¢ The Sandthief's Ring on Safana will no longer be consumed after one use (22174)
'¢ Dragonspear Castle's area art has been updated (22150)
'¢ The player can no longer get trapped behind the door to Fanegonorom's room (22145)
'¢ Glint will now say the correct romance lines (22102)
'¢ Corwin will now say the correct romance lines (22101)
'¢ Kaelet and Umar will no longer appear twice in the ogre camp (22055)
'¢ You should not see English strings in the BG1 campaign if the language is not English (22046)
'¢ The player can no longer walk on top of tents in Dragonspear Castle (22031)
'¢ Glint's romance will now end correctly at the appropriate time (22004)
'¢ Petrified companions will now be restored after finishing Korlasz's tomb. (21970)
'¢ Cinematic movies will no longer have numbers displayed at the very end (21819)
'¢ Thieves Cache quest now works correctly (21760)
'¢ The party stash now has map markers in all camp areas (20758)
'¢ M'Khiin will now speak in the spider cave (20361)
'¢ Exiting from "reform party" will no longer cause the "reform party" window to remain forever (20349)
'¢ Local Area Network description now displays its entire text (20290)
'¢ Character Record will now display the active weapon style bonuses (19728)
'¢ Mods that add kits no longer break because of 25STWEAP.2da (22694)