Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 1.3: Allies Revealed
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2286
IGN: The armor customization system has undergone quite a few changes over the past few months, what are some of the latest for 1.3?
Daniel Erickson: 1.3 brings a couple of big changes. First off is Adaptive Gear, which causes each piece of social gear to scale to the armor needs of the wearer. That means a heavy armor Sith Warrior can finally wear that slave outfit into a high level raid. In that same spirits of letting players wear what they want, the second big change is Augment Tables. Now any outfit in the game above green rarity can have an augment slot added to it via an Augment Table and a crafter-created kit.
IGN: What about the crafting system, will there be any significant alterations made for 1.3 or beyond? What are some of your priorities for crafting right now, and how do you see the system developing beyond 1.3?
Daniel Erickson: The most significant 'crafting' feature in 1.3 is the addition of Augment tables that allow players to add Augments to any items. These augment slots were previously only available as a result of 'crafting crits'. This is significant for crafters because it allows the itemization team to finally fully balance the game so that crafted gear is deeply tied to, and balanced firmly against, the gear you can get from other sources, including operations rewards. The fact that crafters are the primary source for augments also gives them a new crafted good that will suddenly be high in demand.
As for moving forward, we're pretty firmly committed to keeping our crafting system viable and competitive. Players will find that almost every patch that introduces gear with power upgrades will also introduce ways for crafters to remain competitive and useful to the economy. As for larger improvements -- let's just say we have big plans.