Mass Effect 2 Launch Reviews, Wave Two
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The first is at Eurogamer with a perfect score of 10/10:
In a generation of great RPGs, those accomplishments are magnificent individually but superlative in concert. Even so, perhaps BioWare's greatest success in Mass Effect 2 has been taking a complex RPG and making it effortless to understand, play and enjoy on a constant basis, because it has done this in a manner that should prove utterly essential to veterans and newcomers alike, and more than enough to suggest Mass Effect 3 will be the most important game in BioWare's history.
The second is at Ars Technica with a score of "Buy":
This is a must-buy, and the only thing we know for sure about the third game in the trilogy is that we have no clue what we should expect. Bioware is chasing a vision, and it won't let things as silly as genre tropes or expected gameplay elements get in the way of telling their story, their way.
The third is at OXM with a perfect score of 10/10:
No developer pulls off moral quandaries with such devastating ambiguity as BioWare, leaving you frequently unsure as to whether you're doing the right thing. It's mature: not because of profanity or nudey bits, but because it tackles complicated themes without telling you what to think. Having already sunk a distressing number of hours into ME2, the second this sentence is finished we're firing it up and exploring the rest of the universe.
The fourth is at Boomtown with a perfect score of 10/10:
The gameplay is extremely effective in terms of its new cover system and leaner, more focused action. The lore and mythology is involving and the story pulls you into the universe. The voice acting, soundtrack and graphical fidelity are the icing on the cake.
This is as good as videogames get.
The fifth is at IncGamers with a score of 9.6/10:
Mass Effect 2 is one of those rare entities that reminds us of why we play games in the first place. It fills us with wonder at the perfectly-crafted universe, it gives us a scope unrivalled in any other medium, it lets us make our own decisions and forces us to live with them, and it does it all through astonishingly accomplished and wholly entertaining mechanics. Buy it now.
The sixth is at Kotaku with no score:
Mass Effect captured the imaginations of the role-playing crowd. Mass Effect 2 has successfully tweaked the formula, creating a more accessible game that's every bit the masterpiece that the original was. The experience should be different for everyone, but the final thought in every player's mind should be the same: bring on Mass Effect 3.
The seventh is at VideoGamer with a perfect score of 10/10:
Mass Effect 2 is easily a 10. Easily. We're trying desperately to think of something to moan about, just so this review doesn't sound too much like a Mass Effect love-in, but we can't. The side missions are a bit abrupt. The game still takes too long to load. And your party members will occasionally get in your line of sight. But these annoyances are as inconsequential as a fly landing on a whale's back. Mass Effect 2 is the perfect fusion of the shooter and RPG genres. When you're not playing it, you wish you were. When you are playing it, you can't imagine doing anything else. Engrossing, captivating, stunning. Roll on DLC, and Mass Effect 3.
The eighth is at Games Radar with a perfect score of 10/10:
Mass Effect 2 strikes a perfect balance between intense shooter action and gut-wrenching drama, set in a richly textured world on the brink of destruction. It's a must-own for science fiction fans, who will love exploring the depths of the galaxy and fighting to save humanity.
The ninth is at Gamer Limit with a score of 9.5/10:
Long story short, Mass Effect 2 is step forward for story-heavy shooters. Just about everything BioWare does is gold, but Mass Effect 2 succeeds in proving that BioWare really can make an action game.
And the tenth is at Destructoid with a perfect score of 10/10:
And what a stirring one it is. The fluid systems -- the navigation, the combat, and the quick-fire missions -- combine to make Mass Effect 2 an RPG that challenges the genre conventions. The superb emphasis on character development, the gripping plot elements and big-budget presentation aren't too bad either. I purposefully avoided mentioning story elements here for those who want to read a review without worrying about spoilers, but take note: this game tells a fascinating dark story that kept me wanting to explore, interact and continue with the trilogy.