Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Interview
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Black Isle Studios will be releasing the sequel to Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance in just a couple of months, so we tracked down designer Terry Spier to find out more about the console RPG. Check it out:GB: First of all, how is Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II coming along? Do you think the game will ship this year yet?
Terry: It's absolutely fantastic! We are putting on the finishing touches this very moment. It's been a long haul, but totally worth it for us! We'll have the game out there for the holidays.
GB: Can you tell us a bit about the five playable characters in the game? Are you still looking to add an unlockable character?
Terry: The five playable characters we have in Dark Alliance 2 will really give the gamer a wide variety of styles choose from. There is Dorn the human barbarian, who, I'm sure you can guess, is the hack em'up kind of guy. A melee god. Then there is Vhaidra the Dark Elf monk. She can dish out her fair share of melee damage, but she also has a wide range of really useful feats, such as stealth and diamond body. Next is Ysuran, the Moon Elf Necromancer. He is the resident spell slinger of the game. Dark Magic is his forte, things like Shadow Summoning, Life Drain and many more. Sick power. Up next, is the Dwarven Rogue, Borador. A crossbow expert, he can do things with it no one else can. He can disarm any trap in the game as well, and when it comes to crafting items, no one, and I mean NO ONE, is better. Last but no where near least is Allessia, the Human cleric. She worships the god Helm. Her healing powers are unmatched in the game, but I really have only one thing to say -- FLAMESTRIKE. :) Currently, there is more than one unlockable character in Dark Alliance 2, but that's all I have to say about that. :)
GB: How many new spells and feats are going to be available in the game? Any particular favorites you'd like to elaborate on?
Terry: On average, the player will start with 22 feats and spells available to them, with several more unlockable later in the game. We kept some of the basic feats from Dark Alliance, such as Iron Will, Sprint, Toughness, etc. Besides those, the rest of the feats and spells are brand new! I can't say enough about the feats! We have so many great ones to choose from. It really depends on which character I am playing, but one of my personal favorites is Ransack. It's only available to Borador, the Dwarven rogue. Basically, you can kick extra loot out of monsters and chests! Talk about getting rich!
GB: What sort of environments will players make their way through in the game? Any particular setting in the game that you find most interesting?
Terry: Players will find themselves is a number of odd settings not normally seen. You can expect the old favorites, crusty dungeons, a visit to somewhere familiar from Dark Alliance, thick forests and the like. Players will also venture in to the elemental planes! Things get pretty crazy there... I like those a lot, especially the Plane of Air!
GB: Tell us about some of the "boss" enemies in the game. What are some of the more difficult adversaries players can expect to battle?
Terry: We have a pretty broad range of boss enemies in Dark Alliance 2. We've got dragons, (yes, that's plural...), vampires, golems, basilisks, ... I think I will stop right there. Don't want to spoil it! :)