Lotsa Locations

Thanks to various viewers answering my plea for help on item locations, I've updated quite a few of them. We still have several unknown yet, though, so make sure to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. any that you might know.

Updated Pages: Crossbow Bolts (includes locations for the Acidic Sponge Bolts, Bolts of Acheron, Whistling Doom, and Wincing, Jagged Bolts, Rule-of-Three Bolts, Winged Bolts, and Zephyr Bolts), Edged Weapons (includes a location for the Runeblade), Lenses (includes locations for the Lenses of Confounding, Inherent Viciousness, Perspicacity, Seeing Double, of the Bat, and of the Horizon, Beer Goggles, Magnifying Lens, Optix, Retractable Scope, Stealth Lens, and Time's Eyepiece), Rings (includes a location for Gehraise's Ring)