World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 776
That said, there are a bevy of ways to play a Death Knight, and many of them go beyond the three talent trees. While players can certainly do well specializing in one tree or another, mixing and matching the talents - especially into the 70s - is recommended for players that want to min-max. Again, arguments about these techniques are raging across the Internet, so do some quick research on your desired option before taking the plunge into your talents.
Unfortunately, the one downside to the Death Knight is the fact that you'll be running through the majority of the Ouland areas that you ran through the first time in order to achieve the appropriate level to even earn the Death Knight. While Zangarmarsh and Nagrand may be appealing places, most of the Death Knights have already seen these zones for countless hours. Although some zones have received a few new quests, the vast majority of your time will be trying to complete the same quests. Another important observation is that reports have been circulating that the final quest (and perhaps the most climatic of the Death Knight experience) is bugged for some users, and they never get to see the epic encounter between Arthas the Lich King and the forces of the Scarlet Crusade. Though this experience would be truly disheartening, I personally didn't have it occur to me, and it shouldn't tarnish the entire experience for future Death Knights.
While Play's article looks at the bigger picture and awards the expansion a 92%:
For current World of Warcraft players, who have no doubt had it pre-ordered since the release date was announced and are busy working their way through the new content already, it probably doesn't really matter what I've said. They'll be happy and already salivating at the idea of another expansion pack, which is inevitable. But for retired players, it is a trickier decision. If you quit with a high level character on your account, then it's worth coming back to experience all the new content. However if you were always a casual player with lower level characters, it might not be worth your while just yet. Return by all means (you can't let the addiction go that easily, surely?) but don't pick up Lich King just now, wait until you're level 55+ then try it out. For the uninitiated gamer who hasn't yet experienced World of Warcraft, much the same can be said. Lich King won't convert you in any way as it's not aimed at the newbie like Burning Crusade arguably was (thanks to the new class and races), so if World of Warcraft didn't appeal to you in the first place, it still won't now and you may as well take 50% off my overall score as it is just not for you. Personally, however, I'm off to go and live in Northrend for the winter...