Guild Wars Nightfall Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 910
For all this praise I'm heaping on Nightfall, I do have some stock grumbles with the game - most of which stem from the basic mechanics of moving around and fighting. I hate how the characters are such floaty stick-people, and I never really feel connected to what is going on, either in the questing or in the fighting. Movement annoys me and even the trading seems clunky and artificial. It bugs me that I have to learn to make such complex builds to avoid being mocked in PvP, and the skills never seem unique enough or intuitive enough for me to learn by using them: I have to read all the little descriptions. Guild Wars combat always feels weightless and fiddly and has never really made me lust for more. For all the clever instancing and excellent script-writing, it simply lacks drama on the level of the physicality for the characters. It's soft focus fantasy that never really connects - that's my problem with Guild Wars.
And the second is at GameDaily with an overall score of 3.5/5:
For the player who has issues with the Guild Wars franchise, Nightfall won't convert them. But it does keep the world growing and it includes the same quality players have come to expect from a Guild Wars game.