Camelot Patch Notes v1.27
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1137
- Banks are now in. To use banks, right-click on a banker NPC and you'll see a window listing all the money and objects you have in storage. You can drag items to and from your interface into the bank just as you do any other trading transaction. See the world notes for locations of the bank NPCs.
- The "mini-friends" button on the character sheet has been renamed "Friends".
- Berserker Frenzy has been changed. Now, when Berserkers are Frenzying, they will critical hit every time they hit an enemy, which significantly increases their damage output. All levels of Berserker Frenzy currently act exactly the same; we will be addressing this over the next couple of days.
- Camelot: Lord Urqhart - in the palace
- Adribard's Retreat: Trulion Vrundon - in one of the shops on the boardwalk
- Castle Sauvage: Earl Grael - in one of the corner towers
- Tir na Nog: Bhreagar Hylvian - In the palace
- Connla: Ghearic Chauclon- By the tower across the river
- Druim Ligen (connacht) Yralun Trallae - in one of the upper rooms
- Jordheim: Jarl Yuliwyf - In the Great Hall
- Gotar: Yakryl - In the guard post on the road to Myrkwood
- Vindsaul Faste: Hralyvar - in one of the upper rooms
- Thane and Champion shouts are now working properly. They can no longer be interrupted.
- Some siege weapons have been update so as to appear better on uneven terrain. Their textures have been updated as well.
- New monster skins and models have been added.
New Dungeon:
"Koalinth Tribal Caverns" Hibernian dungeon levels 20 - 30
The Koalinth are a coastal / marine species of hobgoblins. A tribe of the Koalinth have migrated from their traditional homelands which are under the sea off of the coast. They have taken over a series of caves and ancient tunnels near the Cliffs of Moher. From here they stage hunting raids on nearby settlements, and can still reach the sea easily to communicate with their homeland. It is unknown why these creatures are moving from their natural element to invade the lands of Hibernia, which until now they have largely avoided. The fact that they would undertake such a drastic move hints at darker powers.