Champions Online Meet the Team Q&A
Category: News ArchiveHits: 763
Q: What aspect of Champions Online are you most looking forward to?
A: I am really looking forward to getting together with all my buddies from back east, forming a team and kicking some badguy ass! Also, not to be evil or anything, but some of the high-level zones we haven't announced yet have wicked cool concepts and designs that I think people are really going to enjoy.
Q: What do you have planned to make the content of Champions Online memorable?
A: One of the things we're trying to do is make sure the environments we design are all distinct and offer different feels from one another. We're also making sure we spice things up with really cool events and situations that break up the typical game play from time to time. So if you're walking along and all of a sudden the ground shakes and hot lava rains down from the sky, it's a special gift from me to you. Hehehe.