Dragon Age: Origins Creature Profiles

BioWare has added two more creature profiles on the Dragon Age: Origins website, this time providing background info, screenshots, and concept art for the Devouring Corpse and Arcane Horror.
Every child knows that an abomination is a creature created when a demon possesses a mage. Few realize, however, that the dangers of possession extend even beyond the mage's lifetime. Demons often cannot distinguish between a living being and a dead one and will readily take control of either which may explain the Chantry's introduction of the cremation ritual. When a mage's corpse is possessed by a pride demon, the specific abomination that results is known as an arcane horror, a powerful creature possessing both the twisted insanity that afflicts most undead as well as the magical power that the mage wielded when alive. Although not nearly as capable as a true abomination created from a living mage, the arcane horror often demonstrates mastery over both blood magic and other animated corpses.