Equipment and Cespenar's Forge Update

Wow, Cespenar can forge a lot of equipment. I've added five more powerful artifacts to the already large list, yet he still claims to be able to produce several more powerful items out of my backpack (but I'm missing a component). Hopefully I'll have more up today or tomorrow. Anyway, here are the five I've added, as well as several other pieces of equipment.

Updated Pages: Cespenar's Forge (includes Clay Golem Manual, Club of Detonation +5, Erinne Sling +5, Ixil's Spike +6, and Staff of the Ram +6), Axes (includes Axe of the Unyielding +3), Gauntlets (includes the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization), Katanas (includes Hindo's Doom +3), Long Bows (includes Taralash +4), Miscellaneous (includes Clay Golem Manual), Slings & Darts (includes Erinne Sling +4 and Erinne Sling +5), Spears (includes Ixil's Nail +4 and Ixil's Spike +6), Staves (includes the Serpent Shaft, Staff of the Ram +4, and Staff of the Ram +6), Warhammers & Clubs (includes Club of Detonation +3 and Club of Detonation +5)