Diablo III Male Demon Hunter Detailed
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2500
DiabloFans: Moving on to the Demon Hunter in general, about how far in development is this class compared to the others?
Jason Bender: This class is coming in a bit later obviously, because we've been doing them in order to an extent because we can only do so much at one time. But, a lot of the skills are in and working, and we're testing synergies with them, and we're having a lot of fun doing that, and we're trying to find out what plays really well. At this point, a lot of this stuff is pretty far along, so we're able to play and spend a lot of time with the Demon Hunter, so we've been having fun for that reason.
DiabloFans: Will the Demon Hunter be in the back attacking from afar like the Wizard and the Witch Doctor, or will the Demon Hunter maybe have some moments up front with the Barbarian and the Monk?
Bender: The Demon Hunter has some things that are a little bit shorter range, [but] definitely the Demon Hunter is a long range one with the Wizard; the Witch Doctor is a kind of little more medium. So most of the time probably in the back, but because of the nature of their skill set -- they don't just have archery type of skills; they're not just all about dual-wielding crossbow pistols, right -- they have traps and mechanical things and gadgets. A lot of those gadgets tend to work when you're a little closer up, they're great for an escape. So the Demon Hunter has cool abilities that allow him to, when he's overwhelmed, he drops a trap and gets out of the way or leaves the combat one way or another. So what's cool about it is that it's kind of like the range of the Wizard with the agility of the Monk. So if you're really strategic and tactical, you're probably jumping in and out a lot. But obviously, the bow tends to be long ranged.