E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2023
GameSpot gives it a 7.0/10:
The draw of many intimidating and intricate games is similar: when you put a lot into them, you can get a lot in return. This equation doesn't always compute in E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy's favor. Even when you overcome the steep learning curve, various elements might leave you cold, whether that be the bullheaded AI, the resetting radial menu, or a number of other peculiarities. But maybe you're tired of games that set the bar low. Maybe you're tired of shooting galleries, turret sequences, and having too little freedom to do as you wish. E.Y.E. doesn't always deliver--it shoots for the stars and only reaches the moon. But that's still a lot further than you might have expected for a downloadable budget game like this.
BrainLazy gives it an 88/100:
All told, I really enjoyed E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. It seems to be a feature complete game that I'd have no problem recommending. Especially at $20 it's hard to go wrong. The game is ludicrously packed with features AND I didn't even touch the multiplayer mode which is supposed to be a cohesive experience with the single player. It's only downfall is the steep learning curve and some AI that is wound too tight. There were a few bugs I noticed that truly were bugs such as, dialog not appearing at all, research incapable of starting and hotkeys disappearing. BUT all of these issues seemed to happen only when I alt-tabbed to take notes. When I didn't alt-tab everything worked accordingly. If I did experience any of those issues, I just had to restart the game. It's easy to admit that E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy needs a patch or two before it smooths out these minor rough parts. If/when that happens is when this game will be an absolute gem. Otherwise, just jump into the game, explore and have a fun time.
And Cross Platform Gamers goes scoreless:
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy doesn't seem to be a game for everyone, but for an indie game there is a lot packed into it, from character customization, to it's co-op features. It's not a perfect game but it's got enough potential that could be niche classic or at least a fun time gunning with friends that are as lost as you are about what is going on.