The Matrix Online Q&A
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1078
Q: Tell us about the weapon-based fighting in the game? To what extent will the real-world properties of various weapons (ammo loadouts, firing modes, weight, and more) be modeled in the game? How will the range advantage of using a gun be balanced against players that specialize in hand-to-hand combat?
A: In free fire, you just choose a target and select free fire or a special move to attack. Every weapon has a maximum range, which is based loosely on real-world constraints. Rifles have a longer range than submachine guns, which have a longer range than pistols. Also, things such as the bullet-spraying capabilities of a submachine gun can be used in free fire to hit a number of targets if they are standing in a group.
One of the ways that gunmen can effectively keep martial artists from tackling them and engaging them in interlock is by using the evade combat ability, which allows them to attempt to slip through their opponents' fingers to keep their distances.
As we discussed above, most people using guns will perform best in free fire mode. Guns can be used in interlock, but with penalties. The exception to this rule is handguns. A soldier using pistols in interlock will be able to hold his own against a martial artist. The martial artist has a chance to temporarily disarm the gunman, which may be the gunman's cue to cut and run, or it may be a chance to show off the kung fu ability the gunman just picked up off the marketplace.