Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 11: Secrets of the Artificers Launched
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And then I'll send you to the full patch notes and a brief summary below:
The biggest update of the year brings a new era of magic! Home of the Artificers, House Cannith is a new high level quest hub where magic and mechanics converge. House Cannith includes a new public area, a new Cannith Crafting Hall, a premium adventure pack featuring a new wilderness area, 3 new dungeons, and 2 new high level raids. Born in war, forged in fury, Stormreach faces its most terrible foe yet! Free to VIPs! Guest passes are available now in the DDO Store, and the adventure pack will be available in the DDO Store starting September 15th.
'¢ Adventure Area: The Cannith Manufactury - In the center of the House Cannith enclave lies the soaring Manufactury a vast complex that demonstrates the technical mastery of House Cannith. Battle two invading forces as you explore the Manufactury's offices, workshops, and research facilities.
'¢ Quest: Schemes of the Enemy - Negotiate with different rebel factions, infiltrate the depths of the Cannith Manufactury, and deal with its devious devices. Plus, field-test one of House Cannith's new weapons prototypes as the target.
'¢ Quest: Blown to Bits - How do you stop powerful invading forces from turning House Cannith's warehouse full of constructs into his own personal army? Explosives. Lots and lots of explosives.
'¢ Quest: Power Play - A powerful enemy has disabled the Cannith Crystals that House Cannith's artificers draw upon. Can you restore arcane power to the Manufactury and defeat the deadly enemy lieutenants?
'¢ Raid: The Lord of Blades - Eberron's most powerful warforged has come to Stormreach, looking for one of House Cannith's oldest secrets. He's as powerful as a god, filled with rage, in command of an army, and looking for vengeance. What could be worse? You're about to find out. Twelve-player raid.
'¢ Raid: The Master Artificer - Once one of House Cannith's brightest stars, Toven d'Cannith was cast down and disgraced when the Lord of Blades attacked the Manufactury. Now Toven has a simple plan to fix everything a plan you must halt at all costs. Twelve-player raid.