Might & Magic X: Legacy Early Access Patch 2 Released, Modding Kit Tutorial Video
Category: News ArchiveHits: 4232
And then read through a full list of the fixes:
Changes:Bug Fixes:
- Modding Kit
- Added Korean language version
- Exchanged Secret Door models
- Added Narrator Dialog after Death of Mamushi
- Added Narrator Dialog in Front of Portmeyron
- Added some new Interactive Objects (LiquidBarrels, Buff Statues )
- Trap rework: traps now have a damage range instead of a fixed damage value
- Start menu extra option added (with credits and modding sub options)
- Passive abilities are added to the Spell book
- Information added about abilities and spells of the advanced classes to party creation
- Loc Patch 8 integrated
- Added game options for:
- Disable barks
- Disable game messages
- Floating damage numbers
- Change opacity for tooltips and quest-/action log
- Implemented new interactive objects: barrels, shrines, fountains and crystals
- Indoor scene music for Sorpigal's chapel and town garrison
- Monster animation update (some creatures have new and updated animations)
- Minimap Notes implemented
- The combat with Iven will get stuck by following certain operations.
- Enemies will repeat their dying animation and sound with a high probability.
- The camera keeps turning to the ground in melee combat when interacting with the hillock at the same time.
- There are some interactive objects which cannot be opened in world map.
- The battle turns will freeze and cannot be recovered when encountering Coral Priestess in 3rd floor of Castle Portmeyron under certain circumstance.
- Iven still has the ability "Focused" which should already be removed.
- Iven loses melee attacking animation sometimes.
- The exhaustion message in combat log frame will refresh at every step after loading.
- The further damage of Poisoned condition is triggered by the process of in-game timer shaft.
- The name of quest which received from Eileen displayed differently in dialog HUD and quest HUD.
- Combat with brigands gets stuck by following certain operations.
- Debug info appears in "Class" page when creating a new party by "Manual Creation".
- The "Into Battle" button in Random Creation is not functional randomly.
- The button "Into Battle" will not be functional in Creation under a certain circumstance.
- The actual costing is not inconsistent with the displaying price of items when in warrior mode.
- Game gets stuck when accepting quest from Maximus at certain condition.
- The party gets stuck at a certain place in Castke_Portmeyron_1 under certain situation.
- A lot of areas lost collision in map Agyn Peninsula.
- The cure time of the altar is infinite, that may cause some unbalanced problems.
- The "Select Difficulty Mode" page overlaps with the main menu after pressing "Exit to Menu" button within 16:9 resolution screens.
- The party cannot pass a certain door in Castle_ Portmeyron_3 after killing Iven.
- Ability "Focused" never triggered and replaced by ability "Boss".
- The ability "Retaliation" can be triggered by range attack.
- The party will slide to 1 or 2 tiles after killing any spiders.
- The aggro-flag will turn yellow even if monster in the barrel have been killed under a certain circumstance.
- Equipping a shield can't increase the block chance any more.
- All increased damage values from skills are incorrect.
- Items in vendor won't be refreshed if the next day coming without resting.
- The character who cast Challenge on monster may not suffer damage from monsters' ability Sweeping attack.
- The spell "Identify" cannot be applied if players put all unidentified items in Hireling package.
- Monsters will stand after death in specific condition.
- Enemies will lose their dying animation with a high probability.
- The spider, Militia, Elite Militia & Luke will keep moving forward if the party keeps attacking and switches characters rapidly.
- Player should pay 1500 gold again to hire the Pack Horse, but the shopkeeper said the party can take it for free.
- The camera can spin around the hillock even if there's an obstacle at the grid which player stands.
- Some NPCs in Sorpigal have the same appearances and portraits.
- A warning message pops up after pressing ATL+F4 in game under certain specs.
- Mamushi can both move and attack in one turn.
- There are no traps in game on version 9017.
- Teleporter at lighthouse 4th floor cannot be interacted when glowing.
- Champion monster never dropped any loot after being killed.
- Player cannot select the target when in ranged combat.
- Player cannot get training or quest from Hamato.
- The value of tooltip opacity in option menu is not functional.
- Graphic of the shopkeeper in potion vendor displayed improperly.
- There is a short line at the top of the "Adventurer" image in the "Select Difficulty Mode" menu.
- Some items on help menu have extra obvious outlines.
- The camera displayed improperly after encountering a Spider from barrel.
- The chest box near Bear's room is not in the center of screen when turning camera towards it.
- The text in the intro video cannot display completely under 800*600 resolution.
- The option in dialog when talk to Aonbarr is not translated.
- Some texts in options are not translated in Chinese.
- Overlapping text in game menu.
- Character can equip a spear without learning skill "Two-handed".
- The textures of a room near stable are incomplete when using 4:3 resolutions.
- An arrow overlaps language menu in options.
- There will display double tooltip of the equipped two-handed weapon when comparing with the items in the inventory.
- The price of players' item displays improperly when doing comparison with items in Vendor.
- No further information displays in game message, when Elite Coral Priestess casts spell to a paralyzed character.
- Add durability to equipment in order to reduce the damage frequency.
- The message when moving to the entrance of dungeons is improper.
- The magic damage displayed improperly after comparing 2 weapons with different kind of magic damage.
- Rogue Mage's magic spell - Battle Spirit works incorrectly.
- Attribute adding button cannot be clicked randomly.
- Chinese translation of the option in Orlene's dialog is improper.
- The {0} variable is improperly displayed in the tooltip of "Defend".
- Monsters who have the ability "Boss" will be triggered twice to resist "Stasis".
- The character who is in negative condition (Dead) still can open the secret.
- Certain Items displaying above the mini-map are improper.
- The effect of Torchlight will vanish after swithing scenes.
- Information of broken two-handed weapon will be displayed twice in the tooltip of the hammer.
- The attribute from ranged weapon affects improperly.
- The log window cannot unfold when clicking the red X button to close the mini-map.
- Monster will skip his turn when he suffered spell "Entangle" under a certain circumstance.
- The unconscious character still can be poisoned by the Spider Queen.
- Items in inventory keep disappearing without warning message as long as I drag them from slot to slot.
- There are unexpected characters displaying in the game message of Traps.
- Mamushi's ability Vindictive will be overwritten by Sweeping Attack.
- Language in Options cannot display completely.
- The quest log frame becomes corrupted after quick saving and loading the game.
- 3D model of the monsters will be missing randomly.
- The "Identify all items" still can be clicked even there isn't any unidentified item.
- The tooltip of entrance on area map will remain on screen after being activated and triggering dialog.
- It would be better to highlight Gold amount in reward game message.
- Player cannot exit the dialog of "Hamato" after selecting 5th choice "Back".
- The "miss" order in game message is randomly inconsistent with the tooltip of Shadow Cloak mentioned.
- It actually displays a Buy Price, but is named as Sell Price in the tooltip of looting items.
- It's improper to display a sell price for looting gold.
- The texts "Level Up" will not disappear after dialog HUD appears.
- Patch v1.1.1 cannot be applied.
- The "Load" button is not greyed-out while no save-games exist.
- The interaction icon is missing at a certain place in lighthouse_2 and player cannot pass it by pressing "Space" button.
- There is an extra bracket in Aonbarr's dialog.
- The descriptions of all slots in vendor are same.
- The game message when monsters are performing Retaliation is disordered.
- The game message of Mamushi's ability - Push displays at an improper time.
- The graphic quality in Uplay patch version is much darker than raw version.
- The map will lose functionality after players progress to Spider Lair without opening them.
- One word is wrong in the Credits.
- The attribute "Ranged Evade Value" is not displayed in game.
- The bonus effect of skill Arcane Discipline is improper.
- The game crashed randomly when activating Uplay overlay by pressing shift+F2 and then talking to NPC.
- The spell Dark Vision has no function.
- Player cannot retreat anymore when standing on a certain place in lighthouse_2.
- The "Random Creation" cannot be clicked under certain situation.
- The "Continue" button cannot be clicked even there isn't any skill points left under certain situation.