Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Interview and More

IGN has launched a new Vault site dedicated to Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, kicking it off with an interview with Funcom's Jason Stone, two beta journals (here and here), and a batch of exclusive screenshots. An excerpt from the interview:
Jube: Do you think that being a European development house will give you an edge in the European MMO market?

Jason Stone: It definitely gives us an advantage when it comes to easily being able to spend time with the European community sites and magazines. It also is great to be able to draw talent to work on the game from so many countries. Over 19 different countries are represented on the Age of Conan team.

Jube: Do you get much time to relax and play Age of Conan in a non-testing capacity? What is your favourite class and why?

Jason Stone: After having been in QA while at SOE it's hard to switch off that testing mentality but I certainly try. I tend to like a lot of the melee classes and I think the pole-arm wielding guardian is one of my favorites. I love the long reach and wide sweeps of the weapon.