Underrail Patch v1.0.1.8 Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2284
Turn-based post-apocalyptic RPG Underrail has been treated with a new patch that tinkers with the game's balance ,fixes a number of bugs, and also improves some of the quest and area design. I'm also personally curious to learn exactly what the "AI improvements on normal and hard" consist of. Here's the full changelog:
- Noise emission from weapons should work properly now (previously it only worked for non-weapon sources such as grenades, psi abilities, etc)
- Some AI improvements on normal and hard difficulties
- Insulated and galvanic foam padding no longer add to stealth
- Fixed the bug that caused some of the on-hit effect to proc off even when attacks were resisted in full
- Handled the bug that caused certain special attacks and on-hit effects to remove fire effects from the target
- Games that are saved after this patch will also display the difficulty settings
- Pneumatic hammer and pneumatic reloader are now considered pneumatic components for the purpose of trading
- Supersoldier drug will no properly trigger the cooldown
- Healing effectiveness bonuses will no longer apply twice when using health hypos; also added healing effectiveness stat to the combat stats window
- Special attack damage bonus added to the combat stats window
- Compacted the feat list somewhat and added an option to filter it by entering text that is then matched against the feat's name, description and requirements
- Gunslinger feat now reduces firearm pistol usage ap cost by 3 (up from 2) and also increases initiative by 7
- Paranoia now also increases initiative by 5
- Taste for Blood no longer reduces AP cost
- Combo now has 20% chance to stun (down from 100%)
- Fatal Throw now only restores action points once per turn
- Lightning punches now requires armor penalty to be below 20% (up from 25%)
- Light weapon AP cost reduction changed to 3% (down from 4%) for each dexterity point above 5
- High Explosive grenades and mines now ignore 40% of damage resistance and threshold
- Riot gear shield base block chance changed to 35% (up from 30%) and block amount increased (base multiplier changed from 1.5 to 2.25) (not retroactive)
- Extra unarmed damage from boots will now also work with fist weapons
- Fixed the bug that caused temporary lock up in certain areas with certain elevators
- Fixed the bug that caused outlines to be visible beyond the camera view
- Added VSync toggle option to video settings
- Fixed Minister Percival sometimes not appearing at the Institute
- You can now place small animals inside the organic processor in DC
- The wardrobes in Mediant Samuel's and Principal Investigator Georgis' offices can now be accessed properly
- Fixed the Black Eels becoming hostile to the player after the SRO assault mission (happened if the player asked for Protectorate help during the Eels' final quest)
- Fixed unresponsive ladder in one of Upper Underrail's hidden passages
- Expanded the Renegade quest for the Underrail Protectorate
- Added one more way to sneak in the cybernetic spawn into the Protectorate embassy
- Added another way to kidnap a certain woman
- Did a few Rail Crossing invasion quest tweaks and added additional dialog options
- Added another way to learn about a certain man and his gang
- Fixed a certain someone not waiting for you at the beginning of DC in some cases
- Removed some of the unnecessary backtracking during the missing train quest; also added a few more options for handling the quest
- A Protectorate guard will occasionally remind the player to holster his weapons if using the SRO elevator to reach the embassy
- Some tweaks to the quest for the Faceless near Foundry
- Nerfed the Coretech warehouse mercenaries in the defense mission
- Fixed old hostage in GMS sometimes blocking the vent in the room with the ladder
- Numerous minor tweaks and fixes (maps, dialogs etc.)