Dishonored 2 Empress Emily Kaldwin Profile and Power Details
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GameInformer is offering up both a profile of Empress Emily Kaldwin, who you might recall is returning to Arkane's Dishonored 2 as a playable protagonist, and a breakdown of her available powers (in the previous article we reported about). A quick summarization of what to expect from her when the game reaches our hard drives:
Full name: Emily Drexel Lela Kaldwin
Height: 5'10)
Eye color: dark brown
Birthdate: 2nd Day, Month of Rain, 1827
Birthplace: Dunwall, Gristol
Voice actor: Erica Luttrell (Keesha Franklin in The Magic School Bus, Darla in Fallout 4)
Far Reach Similar to Blink in that it lets Emily travel short distances relatively quickly. Far Reach isn't actually a teleport skill, so enemies can see Emily when she moves. Emily can also use Far Reach to grab objects and enemies and bring them closer to her.
Dark Vision Allows Emily to see enemy movement through walls.
Mesmerize Emily conjures a strange tear in the universe that consumes the attention of nearby guards.
Domino Using a psionic tether, Emily joins up to four enemies together. Whatever happens to one afflicts the others.
Shadow Walk Emily transforms into a small, etherial shadow creature, which can move relatively unseen through environments and rat holes, or be used to perform perfect assassinations.
Doppelganger This clone of Emily is perfect for distracting guards or setting up terrible chain reactions in conjunction with Domino.
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