Toorum, a previous occupant of Mount Grimrock, has left sixteen notes all throughout the dungeon. You'll need a sharp eye and an explorer's attitude to find each and every one of them. Note that here are a few of his notes left around the dungeon which do
Toorum's Note #1
Location: Level 3, west hallway (near a torch)
I haven't slept well lately. There is an echo in my dreams that is too faint to hear. I wonder what it is trying to tell me?
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #2
Location: Level 3, near the stairs to Level 4
I found a better armor so I'll leave my old equipment here. It's too bad that I was a little clumsy with the leather greaves though. I won't risk it by going after it myself but maybe someone else is willing to take the plunge.
No idea how to open the door though...
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #3
Location: Level 4, The Catacombs (south side)
It seems I'm not the first prisoner to go through these ancient tunnels and in case I'm not the last, I have started to write down my thoughts and discoveries.
Although I certainly do hope that no one else needs to suffer through these dungeons...
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #4
Location: Level 5, inside a pit (near Crystal of Life)
I know, I was disappointed too when I took the jump just to discover that there was nothing useful here.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #5
Location: Level 5, inside southeast pit puzzle room
I preserved some of my extra herder caps in the nearby room. I'm not quite sure what the exact sequence of events was that opened the door but I think I had to do three things and I'm certain that at one point I pulled the lever repeatedly, leaving it in an upright position.
I hope the food hasn't gone bad.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #6
Location: Level 7, in room near stairs from Level 6 (under Tattered Cloak)
I discovered that if you open all but one door, the one where the draft is strongest, a wall slides right open!
I'm going to leave some provisions there to lighten my load.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #7
Location: Level 7, in the Maze of Shadows
The torches remain out of my grasp. I try to reach for them but the light they shine plays tricks on me.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #8
Location: Level 7, spectral orb puzzle room (west side of level)
There have been people in these hallways before me but when I went through this place here it seems like I was the firest to open all the doors and press all the buttons.
There has to be some people who oversee the dungeons.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #9
Location: Level 8, southern tunnels (past Lightning Conduit)
The court that sentenced me to exile here in the bowels of the mountain couldn't have known of the existence of these tunnels.
But even though Mount Grimrock is in the most remote parts of the realm, is it possible that the king would let such dangerous powers breed within his domain?
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #10
Location: Level 9, tunnels past Pillared Hallway (under a rock)
The mountain was shaken by sudden tremors again. They seem to emanate from below my feet, from the core of the mountain. I think I'm getting closer to the source.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #11
Location: Level 10, east chamber near stairs from Level 9
I have come to the realization that you can only traverse through the dungeon starting from the top of the mountain. I think the dungeons were designed that way.
But why?
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #12
Location: Level 10, behind Crystal of Life (accessed from secret switch in north tunnels)
I've seen similar crystals in the temples of Nex but compared to these huge formations, they were withered and lifeless. Those crystals certainly didn't have enough power in them to bring back a fallen companion back to life.
I wonder how many times I can still cheat death?
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #13
Location: Level 10, inside the Caverns area
I've been wandering in this same area for a long time. My provisions are running out but I think this cavern is my best bet for finding a hidden room or some creatures I could hunt for food.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #14
Location: Level 10, inside the Caverns area (south room)
The placement of the pillars by the row of levers is most peculiar. I'll have to inspect them more closely.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #15
Location: Level 10, inside Toorum's secret chamber (inside the Caverns)
Finally, I discovered a stash of supplies but once I got in here, the wall closed shut behind me. I have been too confident in myself. I thought I knew how the rules of the dungeon work.
- Toorum
Toorum's Note #16
Location: Level 10, inside Toorum's secret chamber (inside the Caverns)
My ink is starting to run dry and I haven't had a crumb to eat in days. I can hear them whispering behind the walls. They knew I wasn't on their side.
I'm too weak to walk. I'm trapped.
If only I could re...