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 Gnoll Caves |
There are gongs all over the caves that will bring groups of gnolls running if sounded by an alerted guard.
Here you'll find some slaves that the Bugbears have locked in a pen. Talk to their leader to learn that they are from the sacked town of Blumberg. You can free them and direct them to Hilltop for 200 xp.
You'll discover that the gnolls are holding someone prisoner here. If you free him, he will ask you to lead him out of the caves and even explain that his sister is the blacksmith back in Hilltop.
Once you make it to the chieftain's chamber, you can make a deal with the gnolls to enlist their aid in fighting J'Nah. Of course, making the deal means you won't be able to loot anymore or set any of the gnoll's slaves free without provoking them. If you want to kill the gnolls instead, they have some kobold prisoners that you can enlist to help you. Just go to the prison to the west of the chieftan's chamber and kill the warden. Talk to the kobolds and then open the left hand door when the fight in the chieftan's chamber starts.
Whatever you do, you'll have to head through the door in the back of the chieftan's chamber, then climb down a rope to the lower level. You'll find yourself in an underground maze.