A domain represents a divine area of influence that grants bonus spells, feats, or abilities to a cleric. Characters choose domains when they first take cleric levels and cannot later switch domains.
Air |
Clerics of the Air domain move with the subtlety of the breeze and gain the ability to cast electrical damage spells.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Uncanny Dodge: The cleric retains his Dexterity bonus to AC, even when flat-footed or struck by an invisible creature.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: call lightning (3), chain lightning (6). |
Animal |
Clerics who take the Animal domain are able to call a faithful animal companion and cast spells that give them bestial agility and perception.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Animal Companion: The cleric can summon an animal companion, like a druid or ranger.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: cat's grace (2), true seeing (4). |
Death |
Clerics who take the Death domain can summon an enhanced shadow and gain spells related to death and dying.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Negative Plane Avatar: Once per day, the cleric is able to summon a shadow that gains power as the cleric advances.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: phantasmal killer (4), power word kill (9). |
Destruction |
Clerics who take the Destruction domain are able to smite the unfaithful and are granted spells that allow them to weaken and destroy their enemies.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Smite Infidel: Once per day, the cleric can smite a creature of a different alignment than himself, adding his Charisma bonus to the attack roll and his cleric level to damage.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: rage (3), acid fog (6). |
Earth |
Clerics of the Earth domain are as tough as old stones and are granted spells that protect against melee and energy damage.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Toughness: The cleric gains the Toughness feat, gaining an additional hit point for every character level he has, and an additional hit point each time he gains a level.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: stoneskin (4), energy immunity (5). |
Evil |
Clerics who take the Evil domain are masters of the vile creatures that lurk beyond the Material Plane and are granted spells that manipulate negative energy.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Turn Outsider: The cleric's turn undead ability functions against outsiders, such as demons, devils, and bladelings.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: Evard's black tentacles (4), weird (9). |
Fire |
Clerics who take the Fire domain are resistant to the searing heat of the flame, and are granted spells that call down fire against their foes.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Fire Resistance: The cleric gains fire resistance 5.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: fireball (3), wall of fire (5). |
Good |
Clerics who take the Good domain inspire their allies to heroism and are granted spells that protect against and bind evil creatures.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Aura of Courage: The cleric is immune to fear and all allies receive a +4 saving throw bonus against fear.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: magic circle against evil (2), lesser planar binding (5). |
Healing |
Clerics who take the Healing domain are able to cure wounds more effectively than their brethren, and they gain access to cure spells at a faster rate.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Empower Healing: The following healing spells are cast as if with the Empower Spell feat: cure minor wounds, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, and cure critical wounds.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: cure serious wounds (2), heal (5). |
Knowledge |
Clerics who take the Knowledge domain gain access to an improved list of bonus spells.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: identify (1), knock (2), clairvoyance/clairaudience (3), true seeing (4), legend lore (5). |
Magic |
Clerics who take the Magic domain gain access to an improved list of bonus spells.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: mage armor (1), Melf's acid arrow (2), assay resistance (3), greater dispel magic (5), spell mantle (6), blackstaff (8). |
Plant |
Clerics who take the Plant domain are able to move swifty through the wilderness and have spells that call upon the power of nature to protect and destroy.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Woodland Stride: The cleric's movement rate is increased by 10% in outdoor, natural areas.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: entangle (1), barkskin (2), poison (3), mass camouflage (4), vine mine (5). |
Protection |
Clerics who take the Protection domain are able to shield themselves from harm using their special abilities and spells.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Divine Protection: Once per day, the cleric is able to cast an improved sanctuary spell-like ability that sets the save DC at 10 + Charisma modifier + cleric level. The effect has a duration of 1 round per caster level + the cleric's Charisma modifier.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: lesser globe of invulnerability (4), energy immunity (5). |
Strength |
Clerics who take the Strength domain are able to boost their Strength with divine energy, and gain access to spells that make them stronger and more resilient.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Divine Strength: Once per day, the cleric may gain a bonus to Strength equal to 2 + 1 per 3 class levels. This effect has a duration of 5 rounds + the cleric's Charisma modifier.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: bull's strength (1), divine power (3). |
Sun |
Clerics who take the Sun domain are better able to turn undead than their brethren, and gain spells that are harmful to undead.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Exceptional Turning: The cleric has a greater chance of turning more powerful undead creatures, as well as being able to turn a larger number of undead at once.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: searing light (2), sunbeam (7). |
Travel |
Clerics who take the Travel domain gain an increase in movement speed and access to spells related to movement.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Fast Movement: The cleric's speed is increased by 10% in light or medium armor.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: freedom of movement (3), haste (5). |
Trickery |
Clerics who take the Trickery domain gain bonuses to Rogue-like skills and gain access to various invisibility spells.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Feint: The cleric gains Feint as a bonus feat.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: grease (1), invisibility (2), confusion (4). |
War |
Clerics who take the War domain can summon the power of their deity to become engines of destruction. They also gain access to spells that improve their battle prowess.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Battle Master: Once per day, the cleric may gain a +1 bonus, plus 1 per five levels, to Dexterity, Constitution, attack rolls, and damage. The cleric also gains damage reduction equal to twice this amount. Like the barbarian's class ability, this DR is not overcome by any material or magic. The effect lasts for 5 rounds + the cleric's Charisma modifier.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: enlarge person (1), Tenser's transformation (6). |
Water |
Clerics who take the Water domain flow like water to avoid danger and are granted spells that weaken or kill opponents.
Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells:
• Evasion: Whenever the cleric makes a successful Reflex save to take half damage from a spell or effect, he instead takes no damage.
• The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: poison (3), ice storm (5). |