The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Official Plug-in Quests Walkthrough
Welcome to our The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Official Plug-in Quests walkthrough!
Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area.
Spell Tomes [DLC4]
Spell Tomes |
Mehrunes Razor [DLC9]
Unrthng Mehrunes Razor |
Vile Lair [DLC5]
Deepscorn Hollow |
Fighter's Stronghold [DLC6]
Battlehorn Castle |
Thieves Den [DLC7]
Dunbarrow Cove |
Wizard's Tower [DLC3]
Frostcrag Spire |
Orrery [DLC2]
Repairing the Orrery |
Horse Armor [DLC1]
Horse Armor
Main Quest
Daedric Quests
Dark Brotherhood Quests
Fighters Guild Quests
Mages Guild Quests
Thieves Guild Quests
Master Trainer Quests
Shivering Isles Quests
Knights of the Nine Quests
Other Quests