Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Final Verdict
Category: News ArchiveHits: 855
We simply could not force ourselves to enjoy the game anymore (yes, we did enjoy it for the first 30 levels). The leveling system is boring and the quests are hauntingly repetitive and lackluster (See previous blog posts this week). Neither of us could feel immersed in the game at all because of the massive use of instancing ala Guild Wars and how detached our characters felt from the world. Tobold put it best when he said that Hyboria lacks that world feeling. Trying to get a mini-game going on our server (One of the more popular servers out there) has been incredibly difficult and mostly a waste of time because of leavers. Looking forward, we can not see a future for ourselves in the end-game PvP in AoC. Sieges are simply too inaccessible due to Funcom's scheduling system and without sieges the PvP lacks any meaning for us. Lastly, there are a few (little things) that bother us like Funcom leaving the NDA for closed beta up indefinitely, privatizing of the official forums, exploiters being allowed to max out their characters without repercussion, and the worst itemization we have ever seen.Spotted on Massively.
Recommending games to our readers is something we take seriously. We can not recommend Age of Conan at this time. However, that does not mean it's a bad game. It's simply not a game for us or one that we would tell our friends to go out and buy.