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Cheat Codes
1. Platform: PC (only)
2. Planet: Taris
3. Location: Lower City
4. Description: use codes to keep your Sith armor, if you don't want to feel like a cheater than simply undo the codes after you've got your armor and play as usual.
5. Workaround: a) enable cheats in game [go to swkotor.ini in your directory and add a line right under Game Options 'EnableCheats=1' without the 'signs] then start the game as usual but bring the console down by pressing � or ` with the Alt Gr and either � or � keys [they apparantly alternate], then type some these codes;
setcomputeruse (number)
setdemolitions (number)
setstealth (number)
setawareness (number)
setpersuade (number)
setrepair (number)
setsecurity (number)
setstrength (number)
setdexterity (number)
setconstitution (number)
setintelligence (number)
setwisdom (number)
setcharisma (number)
settreatinjury (number)
addexp (number)
addlightside (number)
adddarkside (number)
givecredits (number)
giveitem (item name)
givesitharmor (number)
addlevel (number)
(number) = eg. 10 up to 999
b) the trick is that now you can unlock almost every secured door in the game and slice effortlessly due to your high skills, instead of trading your Sith Armor in the 'Hidden Bek Base', simply unlock the Lower City entrance to the 'Black Vulcar Base' and work your way through. Of course since you don't trade the armor you can only enter the Swoop Race by assassinating Gadon and enter as a black vulcar (that's the price you'll have to pay in order to strut about Tatooine in your shiny armor) and then either play as cheater or reset all the numeral values to the original and play as an honest player. Either suits me!
Also with a little creativity on your site it is also possible to keep the Tuskan Raider costumes in pretty much the same way. So knock yourself out!
Submitted By: Darth Lect