Replicators are handy vending machines that populate the Von Braun and Rickenbacker. Unlike conventional vending machines, they don't actually hold any items inside - rather, they allow you to use your Nanites to create all sorts of useful stuff, ranging from simple food items, to ammunition, to hypos (see our
Items section for more details). Replicators can also be hacked, if you have the proper skill level - doing so will lower prices on goods, and typically replace a low-end item with a better one. Some Replicators may also be broken, in which case, they can be restored with the adequate Repair skill.
On this page, you'll find a list of where to find every Replicator in the game, arranged by deck. Happy shopping!
Science Sector Lounge
Sells: Chips, Medical Hypo, 6 Standard Bullets, 12 Standard Bullets
Hack Items: Chips replaced with Maintenance Tool
R&D Access Hall
Sells: Chips, Anti-Radiation Hypo, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Standard Bullets
Hack Items: Chips replaced with Psi Hypo
Crew Quarters
Sells: Juice, Anti-Radiation Hypo, Maintenace Tool, Version 1 Hack Software
Hack Items: Juice replaced with Anti-Toxin Hypo
Crew Quarters Lounge
Sells: Cigarettes, Psi Hypo, Fragmentation Grenades, Rifled Slugs
Hack Items: Cigarettes replaced with Version 1 Research Software
Elevator Lobby
Sells: Soda, Psi Hypo, Medical Hypo, Fragmentation Grenades
Hack Items: Soda replaced with AP Bullets
Engine Core Access
Sells: Cigarettes, Standard Bullets, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Psi Hypo
Hack Items: Cigarettes replaced with Proximity Grenades
Cargo Bay 1A
Sells: Soda, Rifled Slugs, Maintenance Tool, Strength Booster
Hack Items: Soda replaced with Anti-Personnel Shells
Cargo Bay 2A (Broken)
Sells: Cigarettes, Standard Bullets, Anti-Radiation Hypo, Portable Battery
Hack Items: Cigarettes replaced with Version 1 Repair Software
Near Hydroponics A Access (Broken)
Sells: Cigarettes, Standard Bullets, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Version 1 Modify Software
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with Medical Kit
Near Biological Survey
Sells: Vodka, Medical Hypo, Rifled Slugs, Version 1 Repair Software
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with Version 2 Repair Software
Hydroponics A Entrance
Sells: Mug, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Psi Hypo, Portable Battery
Hack Items: Mug replaced with Standard Bullets
Hydroponics D Foyer
Sells: Cigarettes, Fragmentation Grenades, Maintenance Tool, Psi Hypo
Hack Items: Cigarettes replaced with Incendiary Grenades
Crew Quarters (Broken)
Sells: Cigarettes, AP Bullets, Frag Grenades, Standard Bullets
Hack Items: Cigarettes replaced with EMP Grenades
Outside Mess Hall
Sells: Mug, Psi Hypo, Medical Hypo, Strength Booster
Hack Items: Mug replaced with Medical Kit
Inside Mess Hall, East Side
Sells: Vodka, Maintenance Tool, Anti-Personnel Shells, Proximity Grenades
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with Version 2 Repair Software
Near Armory
Sells: Juice, Cigarettes, Rifled Slugs, Psi Hypo
Hack Items: Cigarettes replaced with Anti-Personnel Bullets, Juice replaced with Recycler
Near Athletics Lounge
Sells: Soda, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Prisms, Anti-Personnel Bullets
Hack Items: Soda replaced with Rifled Slugs
Lounge, Opposite Bonne Chance Lounge (Broken)
Sells: Chips, AP Bullets, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Psi Hypo
Hack Items: Chips replaced with Incendiary Grenades
Narco Stims Shop
Sells: Cigarettes, Fragmentation Grenades, Medical Hypo, Psi Hypo
Hack Items: Cigarettes replaced with Medical Kit
Ruined Store on Upper Level
Sells: Soda, Maintenance Tool, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Prisms
Hack Items: Soda replaced with Recycler
Movie Theater
Sells: Chips, Soda, Cigarettes (prices all extremely high)
Hack Items: N/A
Sensual Stimulation Units
Sells: Keys to Nikki, Candy, Sven and Lance's rooms
Hack Items: N/A
Tram Station 1
Sells: Vodka, Psi Hypo, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Standard Bullets
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with AP Bullets
Shuttle Command
Sells: Vodka, Maintenance Tool, Fragmentation Grenades, Incendiary Grenades
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with EMP Grenades, Symphonic Resonater (after objective has been given to do so)
Command B Lobby
Sells: Vodka, Recycler, Proximity Grenades, Prisms
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with Medical Kit
CEO Quarters
Sells: Vodka, Anti-Personnel Shells, Psi Hypo, Rifled Slug
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with Version 3 Repair Software
Near Bio-Reconstruction Device
Sells: Chips, Psi Hypo, Medical Kit, 10 Prisms
Hack Items: Chips replaced with 20 Prisms
Near Pod 2 Access & Missile Puzzle
Sells: Vodka, Prisms, Anti-Toxin Hypo, ExperTech(TM) Implant
Hack Items: Vodka replaced with Disruption Grenades
Near Bridge (Broken)
Sells: Juice, EMP Grenades, Psi Hypos, Maintenance Tools
Hack Items: Juice replaced with 20 Prisms
First Rickenbacker Wreckage Area
Sells: Juice, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Psi Hypo, Medical Kit
Hack Items: Juice Replaced with Proximilty Grenades
Third Rickenbacker Wreckage Area, with Upgrade Units
Sells: Chips, Anti-Toxin Hypo, Anti-Personnel Shells, Prisms
Hack Items: Chips replaced with Anti-Personnel Bullets