Calls forth a powerful extra-dimensional entity from beyond the ether. The link can only be maintained for a short time. |
First Available: Level Thirty-Two
Prerequisite: None
Skill(s) Unlocked: None
Skill Advancement |
# of Points |
Skill Potency |
1 |
285 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 30 Seconds, 1065 Health, 518 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 27 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 75-115 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
2 |
290 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 32 Seconds, 1130 Health, 536 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 29 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 83-124 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
3 |
295 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 34 Seconds, 1195 Health, 554 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 31 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 90-132 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
4 |
300 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 36 Seconds, 1260 Health, 572 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 33 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 98-140 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
5 |
305 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 38 Seconds, 1325 Health, 590 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 35 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 105-148 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
6 |
310 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 40 Seconds, 1390 Health, 608 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 37 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 113-157 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
7 |
315 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 42 Seconds, 1455 Health, 626 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 39 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 120-165 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
8 |
320 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 44 Seconds, 1520 Health, 644 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 41 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 128-173 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
9 |
325 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 46 Seconds, 1585 Health, 662 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 43 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 135-181 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
10 |
330 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 48 Seconds, 1650 Health, 680 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 45 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 143-190 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
11 |
335 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 50 Seconds, 1715 Health, 698 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 47 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 150-198 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
12 |
340 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 52 Seconds, 1780 Health, 716 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 49 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 158-206 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
13 |
345 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 54 Seconds, 1845 Health, 734 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 51 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 165-214 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
14 |
350 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 56 Seconds, 1910 Health, 752 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 53 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 173-223 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |
15 |
355 Energy Cost Ether Lord Attributes: Life Time 58 Seconds, 1975 Health, 770 Energy Ether Lord Abilities: Ether Strike, 55 Energy Cost, 200 Arc of Attack, 3 Target Maximum, 180-231 Elemental Damage, 33% Reduction to Enemy's Health |