Help David (GOG) Topple Goliath (Steam), Win Free Games

Comparing the competitiveness between their digital download service and Steam's to a David vs. Goliath scenario, Good Old Games has announced a five-day showdown in which fans can "tweet" about the competition, "like" the service on Facebook, or make a comment on GOG for a chance to win one of several free games.
David couldn't possibly hope to defeat Goliath without the backing of his great family, friends and bystanders who believe in him. He gets pumped up every time he hears the crowd shout, (You can do it, David!) and (Go get .m!) and (Don't forget to eat a healthy breakfast!)

At this point we'll reveal a secret: this whole thing is just a metaphor. David is actually! And we want your help to tell the world about our wonderful, cheap, classic-games-laden, DRM-free kingdom! And if you help tell the world about, you could be rewarded with free games! We're giving away 5 games each day, so get out there. good luck!