Depths of Peril Short Story
Category: News ArchiveHits: 982
Two strangers stopped under the branch. Amma couldn't guess their race, but they weren't barbarian. The tall woman and man were thin with pale, creamy skin. The man's ears rose into points, but the woman's were hidden in her long honey brown hair. The man wore dark brown, the color of tree trunks, and the woman wore a deep green, more a gem color rather than tree leaves in summer. Tree Man and Green Woman weren't spirits.
Green Woman raised up her gloved arm, and the hawk hopped down on it, fluttering its wings for balance. Green Woman laughed. She sang to the hawk, gently stroking its head and neck. When she stopped, the hawk flew off her arm, circled once, and flew off toward the forest. When Amma lost sight of it in the trees, she looked back to the strangers. Green Woman's startling ocean blue eyes locked onto hers. When the woman smiled, Amma ran.